In this photo, I do not like her brown top! It is too busy for her and the wide and the length of sleeve is way too big. ( Please do not pay attention on the letters)

There is a way to design to make a beautiful ring or ear rings even with not so attractive gem stones or with semi precious stones, (Nowadays it is more easier as so many Jewellery design books are available and I have tons of those books. What you have to do is altar some to your likeness.) .... Say you have not so perfect Red Spinel but sentimentally bounded and would like to set it. Lets also say that the Red Spinel is even with a small chip around the corner. But if you design it with very attractive style and hide the chip under the hook, that ring can be a very very good looking one and can be sell easily.
See the following blog the comment on Michelle Obama's dress on last night. Co-accidentally I also had notice on her dress of last night and talking to myself that What kind of dress is it on such a special occasion? (Since everyone feel that her husband will be elected and she should be aware of it. Well sometime you can be killed by your advisers, ie., The McCain selection on VP?? for me is OK but for most of the majority said she is a thumb down). Normally Michelle Obama dresses well unless she wants to look like a person down to earth on last night! ...
Michelle is not good looking with pants because she has that huge behind. Her solder, waist line is not proportional with her bottom. Well..we all knows and have that let it down or let it go days!...
Overall, Michelle is very attracted woman with sophisticate type of dresses. I would say to her....Michelle enjoys your First Lady position and First Lady Wardrobe!
I don't care what you think about Jackie but her dresses and the way she dress, yes she is an American Beauty. She was a well dressed woman! I miss her style.

Michelle Obama's Election Night Dress
posted by Rebecca Detken - Wed, Nov 5, 2008, 9:50 am PDT
Last night, Barack Obama made history when he was elected the 44th president of the United States! Obama was joined onstage in Chicago's Grant Park by his wife, Michelle, and their two daughters, Sasha and Malia, as he addressed an estimated crowd of 240,000 people.
President-elect Barack Obama and his family celebrate in Chicago's Grant Park.
While Obama's eloquent victory speech moved me to tears, unfortunately so did Michelle's dress. Barack looked sharp as can be in a dark navy suit, which was custom made by Hart Schaffner Marx, but I just wasn't feeling Michelle's splotchy red and black Narciso Rodriguez frock.
It might seem a little shallow to be discussing fashion the day after such a big moment in America's history, but I'm not the only one buzzing about Mrs. Obama's election night attire. Yahoo! users are searching like crazy for info on her dress, while critics are weighing in on whether it was a hit or miss.
Like me, LA Times blogger Elizabeth Snead was not a fan of the frock, calling it "disastrous." Of course, not everyone agrees.'s Alisa Gould-Simon found the dress to be shocking, but notes that it was "unexpected, uncoventional, and right on trend." also applauded our First Lady-elect's bold decision to wear something modern instead of a classic Oscar de La Renta number like many of the First Ladies before her. "Michelle Obama made fashion history last night," writes InStyle's Katrina Szish. "America, get ready to see what a true modern style icon is all about."
I guess I have to give Michelle props for daring to be different!
hey kha kha,
what i think her fashion last night was inappropriate. she can do better than that. even vice president's wife wore in lime green suit & she looks very elegant. M should change her whole wardrobe or hire me as her fashion consultant. hahahaha.....
Hello Canadian Rose,
Nice to hear from you. Yes, she should hir you as you dress so well and nice.
love to you too,
Hi guys, don't you think this Princeton Cum laude doesn't know the whole world is watching her wardrobe? We can tell it by now that her dresscode is 4th or 5th on her priority, definitely not number One.
Si, por este' cum.mer, the dresscode is not the first priority.
I like your view on Cindy's hair.
She has dark skin color, so she will be wearing bright color and strange pattern. That will make her brighter look. She will not be good looking with the dress style like ex-president wives Jackie, Nancy, Hillary, Laura etc. as they have white skin and typical American feature. My opnion is that the dress sytle should match with own feature.
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