When you talking about rich, there are 3 kinds of rich nowadays. Here how life make me see the richness...
Super Rich and
Filthy Rich
But I am not sure this richness (money), can give you back like...
Super Happiness and
Filthy Happiness???????
Once at dinner table a guy said to me, "Helen, you have 5 million dollar in your pocket nowadays it is not value much in USA!" In my mind this is what I said to him.... ( I shut my mouth because I knew how much this man has. OK approximately!! You never know if I have more money than this guy I might shoot him back with my big mouth), "What the hell you are talking about it is alot of money you MORO!!" Make me feel that this is how filthy rich talk to little rich???
There is another man that we know. He has around 90 millions $ who use to have a private plane with partner too but when the Hurricane Katerina hit his business, he left 30 millions (He told me so!!). Every time this man came to Bangkok for the Business trip this is what he told me with very sad sad face, "Helen, I am not rich anymore!!'" I look at him with pity and said, (again to myself not to him), why can't you enjoy what you have left???"
In life if you are the Master of the Money is ok but when the Money become your Master then all the problems come along.
In the bible Lord Jesus also talking about money also. Here is one of the occation talking about money. As Pastor Martin write....
"As Jesus was traveling one day, a young man ran up to ask a question. He wanted to know what he needed to do to in herit eternal life. Jesus, knowing the young man's heart, said he need to to sell all he owned and give to the poor. The young man went a way sad because he had great wealth. (
I, Helen would say....the young man might be filthy rich?).
It brings to mind the question: Why do people continue to seek after wealth when it so obviously can not give fulfillment? ...."
I, Helen thinking: When I read the above this is what I was thinking. I might be wrong if so, help me out!
When Jesus said, "What belong to Caesar give it to Caesar!", what is this really mean?? I think this is what I understand...
1. Obey the earthly law.
2. Pay the tax.
3. You have to know who is your earthly leader.
Thank you Jesus for not teaching me like... "You just trust me. The earthly leaders and Laws you can ignore them all. They are not important and I will take care of it."
Now when Jesus said to the young rich man, "Sell all you owned and give to the poor" this is what I see......
When Jesus said that he did NOT mean sell all your richness and gave it away to the poor all. Sell everything and you live poor on the street is not the point here. I am sure this young man is a smart and intelligent man and he knows what Jesus's exactly mean!! For my understanding is...
1. Share you wealth. Helping people out.
2. Know which come first? Faith in God or Money?
3. Helping people give you more joyful than accepting help from others all the time.
4. Once in your life you will face money is nothing but Trust in God is the only last forever.
5. Juses shows he is God.
OK put it point blank as Jesus did...... which richman will do the sell everything and give to the poor. NO ONE RICHMAN WILL DO THAT!!!
Here are some people who put money first in their life and who allowed the money to become their master.
As in Pastor Marting write..."Charles Schwab, president of the largest steel company in America; Samuel Insull, president of the largest utility company; Howard Hopson, president of the largest gas company; Arthur Cutten, the great wheat speculator; Richard Whitney, president of the New York Stock Exchange; Albert fall, secretary of the interior in president Harding's cabinet; Jesse livermore, the great "bear" on Wall Street; Ivan Krueger, head of the world's greatest monopoly; and Leon Fraser, president of the Bank of International Settlements.
Twenty-Five Years later:
*Charles Schwab went bankrupt.
*Samuel Insull died in a foreign land, penniless and a fugitive from justice.
*Howard Hopson was Insane.
*Arthur Cutten was in solvent and died abroad.
*Richard Whitney had just been released from Sing Sing prison.
*Albert Fall had just been pardoned from prison and died at home, broke.
*Jesse Livermore committed suicide.
*Ivan Krueger committed suicide.
*Leon Fraser committed suicide.
I, Helen thinking: This is what I see on these above men.
1. They do not know how to stop.
2. Never enough or no limit.
3. Do not seek what the money can give you the real joyful.
ie. donation in sincere and within limit (not all).
4. Money become their master and let the money control their lives.
5. Faith in money not in God.
7. Money competition.
8. Jealousy.
9. Greedy.
10. Lost the track that money help but not everything.
Don't get me worng on richmen. There are many richmen who are very in consider and nice. If you want me to drop names, here are some.... Bill Gate, Warren Buffet, Opral, Dr. Coffrin, some hollywood stars and many more from different countries!!
As a believer I will always love God first then I will love the money.
One last question: Why men who were some of the wealthiest, most powerful of their day but why failed???
I want to share one more thing!
You all know Steve Job right? The CEO of the Apple. I wish I know him in person and would like to talk with him about our liver transplants.
Yes money help both of us but there is a line that we both can't cross! It is.... Just wait to come the MATCHINg LIVER. Some got fast and some come later and some never come even after 2 years.
I have seen one man (very very rich sorry I won't tell you the name), he waited and liver did not come. Meantime the cancer sprade to other organ. Tell me in this situation how much money is helping?? He has assect to more than one Billion!!
No joking in this blog, the man from the top cartoon, he just looks like Robins's grand father.....
The "Carmichael" side!
I saw him in the photo his stomach was stick it out just like in this cartoon. Sorry Robins!
One answer to your last question: These wealthy and powerful men were "successful failures". Successful in only one aspect of life while missing the central point. Rick Warren says the central point of life here on earth is to prepare for eternity. Start now to learn how to love God, how to love my neighbor, how to use the gifts God has given me to build His kingdom. I'm guessing that this is where these successful failures missed it.
Thank you Shirley! The missing key here is as my other Shirley said, the "contentment"!!!
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