I was thinking what happen with the man slamming the moon's belly?? I think I over heard that they found debris.....what is that mean "debris"??
We had pool side BBQ on Halloween day! Robins and the other white men said..."You never know we might find Diamond." I would say my Ass Diamond!! Oop sorry. Even they found the moon diamond how much this diamond will cost. Whos cares about the moon diamond as we have plenty of diamond on earth! By the way the moon diamond will surcharge the cost of "transportation!!"
The other day while I was waiting my lab results at my doctor clinic, I read this article in the Bangkok "The Nation" newspaper. The article was by S TSOW. The title is ...."The Moon Speaks, And It's Not Happy With NASA". I don't blame you Mr. Moon, not only you, here on earth there are plenty of people including me, are not so happy with some of NASA's ideas. I really wish they know what they are doing instead the result of "debris". By the way I was enjoying the article a lot!!
Here are some parts of the interview between the moon and the author S TSOW.
"Tsow: .......How do you feel about NASA hitting you with that rocket?
The Moon: How do I feel? how do I FEEL? How do you THINK I feel, moron? How would YOU feel if a rocket came slamming into your abdomen? Not so all-fired peachy-keen, I'll wager. What are you damned humans up to, anyway? It's not enough that you have to make war on your own species. Now you are assaulting innocent satellites. Is there no end to your rabid mad-dog insanity? What have I ever done incite you to shoot rockets at me? ......
Tsow: Gosh. Well , on behalf of my species, I apologise.
The Moon: I deserve an apology from some body a lot higher up in the food chain than you. Look at how much I've contributed to your s0-called culture. Moon cakes. Moonshine whiskey. The moon walk. The man in the moon. Song like "Moon River", "Blue Moon", and "Monday, Monday". Monday was named after m, you know. No moon, no Mondays. No moon, no honeymoons. No moon, no romance. How many babies have been conceived on full-moon parties on Koh ha-Ngan. No moon, no werewolves. It takes a full moon to turn people in to werewolves."................
Tsow: That's true. Take away the werewolves and our culture would suffer a crippling loss indeed. But we sent that rocket up because we want to find out if you've got water up there.
The Moon: Water? of course I've got water. All you had to do is ask. What's the matter, you humans don't have enough water? There-fourths of your planet is covered with the stuff. It'll be almost four-fourths once the glaciers finish melting and the typhoons stop dumping rain on you. You've got all that water and you want to steal the crummy little amount I've got? You ever hear the word "greed", hume?
(Helen Said: I think the amount of water on the moon is not more than the amount of the two elephants pee the same time!)
Tsow: Melodramatics aside, do you really have water?
The Moon:Sure.......
Tsow:how much would you want?
Tsow:We'd want to know how much you'd be charging.
The moon: Send Wen Jiabao up here. Tell you want, I've always been jealous of your planet because of that wall it's got-the big one the Chinese built. I want a wall, too. if the Chinese will agree to build Great Lunar Wall on me, maybe we can do a deal. I might also accept payment in moon cakes. (Aside;conspiratorially:) By the way, I don't just have water. I've also got beer."
Thank you Tsow! I enjoy your article alot. Thank you to you too Mr. Moon for accepting the interview with the human. I am so sorry for being poking by NASA real hard this time. As you say and I agree that YESssssss.......NASA can be a real MORON!! I hope your healing will be fast.
Mr. Moon, I also know that you are playing a very important part of our life, that's why my God puts you there. Thank you for being such a good moon to us.
PS. The internet was so bad this morning and I had to repeat many times to correct to this blog. That is why I said some time the moon is better than the internet!!
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