Lets taking care of our bodies!!
Eat right, Drink right , Sleep well, Exercise well and above of all.....
Lets pray for all the Breast Cancer Victims and Survivors!!
Some short news which I found from reading!
"Why Alcohol Consumption Increases Breast Cancer Risk
ScienceDaily (Apr. 30, 2007) —
For the first time, scientists have used a laboratory mouse model to mimic the development of human alcohol-induced breast cancer. This study presents the first animal model to confirm that alcohol consumption stimulates tumor growth and malignancy of breast cancer, and reveals some of the mechanisms of alcohol-induced breast cancer."
"ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2007) — One of the largest individual studies of the effects of alcohol on the risk of breast cancer has concluded that it makes no difference whether a woman drinks wine, beer or spirits (liquor) -- it is the alcohol itself (ethyl alcohol) and the quantity consumed that is likely to trigger the onset of cancer. The increased breast cancer risk from drinking three or more alcoholic drinks a day is similar to the increasing breast cancer risk from smoking a packet of cigarette a day or more.
"Mutagenics in Prepared Food
Consuming prepared meat increases the risk of contracting lung cancer (1), breast cancer (2), prostate cancer (3), and colon cancer (4).
This only means that prepared meat contains more mutagenic substances than prepared food. Of course vegetarians get cancer too, though in general a little less (5), because vegetarians do consume prepared food, but no prepared meat.
Prepared vegetables contain less mutagenic substances than prepared meat. Therefore, 2 out of 3 scientific investigations show that consuming prepared Soya beans instead of prepared meat, causes less cancer. (6) And therefore these scientists conclude that 'soy is protective against cancer'. This however only means that, on an average basis, soy (and other vegetables) causes less cancer than prepared food."
"Generally, consuming vegetables ‘proves to be protective against cancer’, simply because consuming vegetables is less cancerous than consuming other prepared foods."
**** Please do the annually check up!!
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