Believe me when I say I know how you feel....... I am sorry. I do have a son of my own. I can't think of loosing a child of any parent.
I was told that my donor was 15 years of boy. This is what I feel about my donor........ I feel that there was a son that I had but I never seen him nor will know him and also probably might not know how he looked like but I just love him. By the way I did send 2 Christmas card to his family via my transplant team but did not get reply yet. I was told that for some family it takes longer to get back reply. I fully understand it.
Getting liver transplant is like this... I feel I lost one son but also felt I gain so much families! I feel my donor's family, my doctors, my nurses, CT, MRI Technicians and Transplant Team become my family. Each more year adding into my earthly life after transplant, I see all those people in my mind like a movie which we all made and we all in together!! I always have a thougt that hows my donor's family is doing? Are they OK? How thay are coping?
Each time when I see such Eva's, your daughter's new I feel both sad and happy! I am very sad for Eva and happy for those who are going to live. I guess each side can't get them all.
My dear Eva's mother, you feel lost but somehow I believe and I am sure that you are feeling please of seeing those who are living with you and your daughter's priceless presents! Trust me as a liver recipient when I say...the families who lives with your daughter's organs will forever thank you to you and more over you are part of their shadow. I mean, they are always living in the shadow of you and your daughter.
Thank you Eva's mother. You will be in my thought and prayers!

This is beautiful Eva.
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