Hello, brother watch out we are behind you!!
This morning I was sitting in front of my TV with a cup of coffee. Of course I was watching CNN as always. Here the new which make me do the thinking.....
"NASA is trying to bomb the moon's hole just to looking for the Waterrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
The costing is 79 millions to bomb the poor moon. Now I can see why the Chinese, the Russian, the Japanese and the France are talking that "Rain-man-Pee" or "Oil" should be the world main currency. Got the point??? Of course if we keep spending on BS projects!!!
I am not stupid! Yes..... I do appreciate that satellites or other NASA missions as... Security of our nation but I am not sure for this one throwing 79 million into the moon's hole. I am waiting for the positive result. If not, the NASA director should be off the seat.
Here what I read in yahoo new................
"NASA Attacks the Moon
by Mike Krumboltz
5 hours ago
Mike said, "Has a hyperactive five-year-old taken over as the director of NASA? It sure seems like it. On Friday morning, an unmanned spacecraft launched in June will crash into the moon's surface. On purpose."
There is another news that I was reading in the "US news and world report'. It's goes like this....
Will we soon find life in the heavens??
Discovered:Distant "earths" and dirty ice on mars; up next: Wiretapping E.T.'s phone" by: Brain Vastag
"In the coming months, two new tools will greatly expand astrobiologists' capacity to hear and see other promising signs of life. Later this summer, the nonprofits SETI institute, named with acronym for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, will begin listening for alien broadcasts on the new $50 million Allen Telescope Array. A spread of 42 radio dishes in California's Cascade Mountains............. to listen for E.T."
I hope at least they should hear the Alien's FART!!!!! Just to listen the deformed creature's voice, which might not understandable, from the outer space cost $50 million??? I rather like to think that they hear what Osama's talking or planning than the Alien's.... what ever languge, (another woo woo woo language???).
To the NASA: Thank you for screwing my brain GOOD!!!
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