Friday, October 16, 2009

Expression of Love

We often talk about how much love that we have for our mother, father, sisters and brothers, husband, children and even to our friends.

I love my mother but there were things that I did not like what she had done in her life which effected us also. I do not want to detail here about me and my mother relationships but in beneath I know my mother loves me..... without a doubt on this matter.

My father left us when my sister and I were very young. I did not like him. Again I will not blog about this in specifically either... deep inside, I love him too.

My sister, I love her a lot still even she is not with us anymore.... Well.... we used to fight though!

My husband, I know he is good to me but there is a time that I want to hit him with baseball bat! I did not say I am the one perfect here!

My son, this little creature of mine, I love him sooooooooo much. He can drive me nuts but overall he is still a good kid and I love him very very much.

I loves my friends but still there are some time that we disagree and mad at each other.

What I want to say here is "All human love is imperfect."
Relationships between people maturing in Love for one another are more likely to endure.

Honestly to say.....the love that I have for those people are mostly around me and most of them are who I know too. To the strangers... I might help, that's all I will do but to love them I am not sure because Love takes time for every one. If there are needing people come across me, I will help though. Why? Christ told me so!!

Let see on the traditional wedding vows. Till death apart...right?? On that day two people said to love, honor and cherish one another until death parts them. But look at in real world of today.... these two are not dead yet but they parted by themselves. For some even to 7 times parting. Why?? the reason said..."We fell out of love", or "We don't love each other anymore" then again they still do have love for a new one more than 7 times.

In life I have learn that the only love that I can count on is.... and for me is.... only from "Christ!" ....So peaceful, so powerful, so content, so kind, more over, the love that give us future and which goes out as grace to the poor too!! Here are some who loves Christ and express it well.

Even though no one in these people's life is in perfect but they love Christ!!

I read the following from ............. here some

"Isadora Duncan
American Dancer
Art is not necessary at all. All that is necessary to make this world a better place to live in is to love--to love as Christ loved...
Dec. 20, 1924
The first chapter of memoirs, dictated in Berlin

Mel Gibson
When you look at the resons why Christ came, why he was crucified--he died for all mankind, he suffered for all mankind. So that, really, anybody that transgresses needs to look at their own part or their own culpability. It's time to get back to a basic message, the message that was given... He forgave as he was tortured and killed.
Jan. 14, 2003
The O'Reilly Factor

Jerome Hines
Opera Singer (performed a record-breaking 41 consecutive seasons with the Metropolitan Opera)
The purpose of " I Am the Way" is to help people solve their problems. Unlike modern operas, "I Am the Way" is based on music that resolves, because Jesus is the resolver. Jesus is the solution to all our problems.
Fall 1997
PCC Update

Mr. Fred Rogers
TV Show Creator ("Mister Roger's Neighborhood")
I can't imagine more surprising places for God to appear than a manger or a cross. Yet all through his life and resurrection, Jesus demonstrates the power of showing and sharing God's love. Every time I write a script or a song or walk into the studio, I pray 'Let some word that is heard be Thine.' That's really all that matters.
April, 1994
Christian Century

Natalie Cole
Singer (Daughter of Nat King Cole)
Most importantly, I thank my Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, for his unfailing grace and mercy in my life. You don't know what He's done for me--HE gave me the victory!!!
Notes in liner of latest CD, "Stardust" - Elektra Entertainment Group

Olivier Messiaen
Composer (20th Century)
I have always been impressed by the fact that God is happy - and that this ineffable and continuous joy lived in the soul of Christ. Joy is for me a transport, a state of drunkenness in the 'maddest' sense of the term.
Radix, Vol. 21, No. 1

Sir Cliff Richards
British Rock Star (holds more hits than Beatles and Rolling Stones combined)
[Commenting on his singing the Lord's Prayer to the tune of Auld Lang Syne] It's 2000 years since Jesus was born and here we are on the eve of the Millennium singing lyrics that He gave to His disciples. The song won't offend anybody. It's just a really good positive thought for the future: 'Please give us food... please keep us from evil... please help us to be forgiving as we want others to forgive us.' It has all the great positive factors that everybody would desire for the new millennium.
Dec. 1999

Vincent van Gogh
European Artist
It is a very good thing that you read the Bible... The Bible is Christ, for the Old Testament leads up to this culminating point... Christ alone... has affirmed as a principal certainty, eternal life, the infinity of time, the nothingness of death, the necessity and the raison d'ĂȘtre of serenity and devotion. He lived serenely, as a greater artist than all other artists, despising marble and clay as well as color, working in living flesh. That is to say, this matchless artist... made neither statues nor pictures nor books; he loudly proclaimed that he made... living men, immortals.
Van Gogh's letter to friend, Emile Bernard as researched by Kathleen Erickson

George V. Voinovich
Governor (Ohio)
Those without faith experience a longing and an emptiness that this earth cannot fill. I see evidence of that spiritual hunger almost every day in my job as Governor. Without my personal acceptance of Jesus Christ, I could not keep going.
Sept., 1994

George W. Bush
43rd President (United States)
As God's only Son, Jesus came to Earth and gave His life so that we may live. His actions and His words remind us that service to others is central to our lives and that sacrifice and unconditional love must guide us and inspire us to lead lives of compassion, mercy, and justice.
Dec., 2002
Presidential Christmas Message

Dr. Jeane Kirkpatrick
Former United Nations Ambassador (United States)
The U.N. Preamble reminds me of a secular version of the Lord's prayer because they say, 'Deliver us from evil.' Yet, they say it not to God, but to each other: 'Let us eliminate evil.' ...I thought about Jesus Christ--the perfectly virtuous Son of God who was tried before an essentially indifferent Roman court and destroyed. God's own Son was not delivered from evil and violent death through the legal institutions of His society... I conclude that it is a fundamental mistake to think that salvation, justice, or virtue come through merely human institutions.
Summer 1997
Reformed Quarterly

Frederick Chiluba
President (Zambia; from first free election)
Jesus was never against politics. He just wants us to recognize that there is a greater power above. We must all recognize there is a King of kings and a Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, who is above every political system.
April, 1995

Jose Gavino
Marxist Labor Activist (Peru)
I grew up with visions of el Cristo doliente, the suffering Christ, but now I am realizing that he is el Cristo vivente, the living Christ... I used to get nauseous seeing people take Holy Communion and then leave the church heavy laden with their heads hanging down. Now I see it doesn't have to be that way.
March, 1992
Baltimore Sun

Kim Dae-jung
President (South Korea)
Love of God does not mean we must love Him first. Rather, He loved us first, creating the world and leaving it in our care, sending His only son to us to spread the gospel, and, finally, opening the way for us to deliver ourselves from sin through the crucifixion of His innocent son, Jesus. Through Jesus' resurrection, God gave us hope for eternal life. God is with you at this very moment. He loves you, and He creates the good for you from all the right and wrong in your life when you genuinely believe in and obey Him
Letter from prison to his son when Dae-jung was imprisoned after losing the 1971 bid for presidency in a fraudulent election.

Rep. Dick Armey
Congressman and House Majority Leader (United States)
What I attempt to do in Congress is pretty straight forward. My job is to prevent government from destroying our freedom. But the most important work to be done is for a person to come to terms with Jesus. That's my advice for anybody.
Aug. 1996

Rep. Tom Coburn
Congressman (United States)
"People feel judged and condemned. Jesus didn't make them feel that way. He made them feel loved and valued." If the religious right "really acted like Jesus did, then Bill Clinton would feel our love".
July 12, 1999
The Washington Post

Theodore Roosevelt
26th President (United States)
(My) great joy and glory that, in occupying an exalted position in the nation, I am enabled, to preach the practical moralities of The Bible to my fellow-countrymen and to hold up Christ as the hope and Savior of the world.
America's God and Country, by William J. Federer

Thomas Jefferson
3rd President (United States)
Had the doctrines of Jesus been preached always as pure as they came from his lips, the whole civilized world would now have been Christian.
June 26, 1822
Letter to Benjamin Waterhouse

Vladimir Putin
President (Russia)
Why did Christ come into the world? To liberate people from sickness, troubles, from death. In its essence, Christmas is a holiday of hope.
Jan. 21, 2001
Moscow Times

Yoweri Museveni
President (Uganda)
Even though I have not become a member of any special religious group, I have decided to follow Jesus Christ with my whole heart. I find in Him the inner strength, the precepts and the lifestyle that can help me and all the people of Uganda to solve the problems we face individually and as a nation. It is one of the interesting facts about Jesus Christ that people in every nation of the world regardless of religion, whether one is a believer or a non-believer, consider Jesus the greatest authority on human relations in history. His views on that subject have transcended all religions and cultures. It is remarkable that the person of Jesus Christ is accepted by everyone - even when they are not attracted by institutional religion.
Speech to other African leaders

Fidel Castro
Leader (Cuba)
To betray the poor is to betray Christ.
Slogan on Havana billboards

Benjamin Franklin
Diplomat and Inventor (United States)
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see, but I apprehend it has received various corrupting changes.
March 9, 1790
Letter to Ezra Styles (of Yale)"

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