Saturday, February 21, 2009

Different Views

Last night dinner party, the conversation about Stem Cell is get into me. I came home and read till 1 pm in the moring because I knew that there are different views on stem cell. I have no problem with such as bone narrow treatment for lukemia. But the one last night I am talking about was something to do with the beginning of the life!!! it is call "Embryos"..This is the one I am talking about. Seen to me that we were talking about the different Stem Cells. I blog some thing that make me a bit see the picture more clear which is I wanted to share to day. Enjoy reading!!


Although impossible, if it was possible for having our memories to be artificially extended, we would be able to remember the time when we were just tiny microscopic embryos.

Should an embryo, in the earliest stage of human life, entirely vulnerable, be subject to the whims and curiosity of scientists? Should scientists be allowed to choose this route to investigate human biology, genetics & potential medical cures - through genetic experiments on human embryos?

Whether you believe in God or not there is a sanctity to human life. Is curing genetic diseases and others, justify stem cell research and destruction of potential babies as valid?

We have no idea if any of this works. Or how it will work or what are the consequences. Will it cure genetic diseases right away? Is it by only understanding the world better, we can only help humans?

Are these scientists only helping you and your families to have a better future? Be the judge.

Stem cell debate: the issues
By Dr Amin Abboud

Regenerative medicine is an exciting new field of medicine in which different techniques, including stem cells, are used to repair damaged organs and tissues. The ethical issue is where we get the stem cells from. The destruction of embryos for stem cells research is ethically unacceptable.

What are stem cells?
Stem cells can change into many types of cells – heart cells, nerve cells, muscle cells, skin etc. Because of this capacity they may prove useful for treatment of some medical conditions .

Where do stem cells come from?
Adult stem cells can be taken from living humans (children or adults) without harming them. Embryonic stem cells come from embryos. The embryo is destroyed and its stem cells are extracted.

What are the benefits of stem cell treatment?
Stem cell research may benefit many conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, heart disease and cancer. The new cells may be able to replace damaged tissue. The only stem cells that have helped patients so far are adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research has not helped a single patient.

Which cells should doctors use?
The deception that there is no alternative to embryonic stem cell research is propagated by those with a personal interest in destructive embryonic stem cell research. Successful and ethical adult stem cell research involves no destruction of embryos.

Is this a clash between religion and science?
No. It is about good science versus bad science. Good science is ethical science.

Why are some scientists pushing embryonic stem cell research if the use of adult stem cell is useful and ethical?
The key argument for using stem cells from embryos is they are easier to change into other types of cells. While this has some basis, the technology is improving so rapidly that it is hard to substantiate. The advantage of embryo stem cells may already have been superseded.

Why shouldn’t we use embryonic stem cells for cures and research?
1. It is unethical.
The process of obtaining them destroys a human embryo.
2. Embryonic stem cells can cause cancer.
Embryonic stem cells are versatile but they can also become malignant. Their potential for causing cancer is a real concern for researchers.
3. It is unnecessary.
Adult stem cells are proving to be a viable alternative.
4. The benefits of embryonic stem cells are a long way off.
Most scientists admit that the potential benefits of embryonic stem cells are still distant. However, many adult stem cell breakthroughs have already taken place.
5. The use of adult stem cells seems to overcome the problem of immune rejection, which will be a big problem with embryonic stem cells.
Our bodies quickly recognise and try to kill off foreign tissues implanted in them. By using cells from oneself, the compatibility problem is avoided.
6. Embryonic stem-cell research is not driven by hope for cure, but lust for profit.
Many of the cell lines are in the hands of private companies. The amount of vested financial interests is staggering.

What about ‘reproductive cloning’?
Almost everyone agrees that ‘reproductive cloning’ should be banned. But if we allow cloning for research, unscrupulous people will inevitably push for cloning an embryo to produce a child.

Does an embryo deserve the same respect as a person?
The human embryo is a distinct, living human being and is entitled to the same rights as any other human being. Human life begins at conception (or fertilisation).

Won’t embryos be destroyed anyway? Why not do something useful with them?
Those who argue that frozen embryos would be destroyed anyway miss the point. Couples had the embryos created for implantation and bringing about new life. The existence of surplus embryos is a scientific embarrassment and legal mess created by the IVF industry.

This is edited from a report by Dr Amin Abboud, director of the Australasian Bioethics Information centre.

1 comment:

mirna said...

i've just come across your blog by chance, i know has been quite some time since you made this post, and in fact i know the interview piece you've posted is 10 years old..
i do wonder though whether you have any fresh ideas on the stem cell debate?
i would very much interested in hearing what you think.
thank you