Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I had read 2 cancer patients blog this morning. One of the blogs which I like it very much is call "My Cancer" Leroy! Google him. He is a very good writer and worked for the news agency..can't remember ABC or ???

Both patients passed away. I am so sad! I have learn so much about cancer patients feeling..... the way they change, their believing, their priority and their ways of living. cancer also it does change to me too.

One of the cancer patients that I followed, she was so unbeliever. She is smart, so confidence in many ways. She clearly said that she did not believe in God but I noticed that she loved to talk about God a lot though! Even in her last blog...she did mention God words twice. I am still asking that why a person who did not believe in God but still talking about God so much??? Even me and her see the world so differently, even she disagree strongly on Christianity, I like her blog. she is such a good writer. Trust me, Her blog make me love my Christ more. How? I can answer every bit of your questions. I do have the answer!!

Last night I read .."IN 1994, a company opened for business in Houston, Texas. Within Ten years, it mushroomed to multi billion dollar, worldwide corporation. Million invested in its stock.

By 2004, the officers of Enron faced criminal charges, the stock plummeted, and those millions of people lost their money_some of them their life savings.

Many people believe only what they can see such as a financial report. They have no confidence in something they can't see. "

"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
John 20:29

I did not see my Christ yet but I feel it each day. I will not betray because God is good. Lord, help me face life's problems standing on Your Promises. Help me to standfast in bad time or in good time with you forever. Amen!

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