Thursday, December 11, 2008

Got My First Injection

I went to get my blood test yesterday. My liver enzine is all normal. My Prograf level is 4, which is low, suppose to be between 5 to 10. I am not worry on that because my Prograf level is up and down and sometime stable for a while too. That's why I need to blood draw every 3 months. The doctor said I have to increase to 2 ml in the morning and evening 12 hours apart as always. I am waiting the approval of my Liver Team at the University of Florida.

The HBIg the one I used to get it infusion, this time I got it by injection on my arm. I decided to get it on my arm instead of on my butt thinking might not get sleeping well. The doctor ordered only 400 unit as first time he wanted to see but there are 1000 unit available in the market. I was told no tennis for one day! This HBIg by injection is the first time and also the first time outside USA. Not that bad but pain a bit. The nurse was nice enough to take time and see how I am going to react. By the way I like the Thai nurse also. They are so happy people. The minute they saw me they starting to smile. I got invited by one of the nurse wedding soon in next month. She was so sweet and asked, can you come to my wedding in Muslim way. I said of course, I enjoy all of the wedding. It is good to see happy people. My injection was OK and right after that, my family and Dr. Arlo we went to have Sea Food.

I love yellow crab curry, squid fried with lots of garlic, and fish steam with ginger. I enjoyed last night Dinner. It was good to see Arlo back to Thailand.

Me and Shan is heading to Up North for our Christmas Holiday. Same as last year I am going to feed that little church. I am starting to spend my value time with value way (most of the time!!). I said that because normally this time of the year, I am making lists for Christmas Presents that's it..busy and busy. Busy taking my son to arrange presents too. For his great grand mother, his father and his friends. Now this is what I told him "Shan beside the presents that you are giving around there is a meaning. You have to think that what is a true meaning of Christmas. He is 13 now he has to know beside thinking about Santa who goes around with presents all his life. Santa is good but not all the maning of Christmas.

What is true meaning of Christmas for me?

It is ...."Instead of saying thank you, for a change I am enjoying someone telling me thank you!" as Christ share his life to me I am going to share my blessing to others as much as I can.

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