Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Prayer Request and blood clot in lung

I got an email said, "Please pray for Steve (His real name), he is suffering blood clot in the lung. He is in the hospital and he is only 22 year old. Yes! I do praying for him last ngiht. I do my part in faith and God will do God parts as God's will! Honestly I do not know how the result will be because I am not God but I have faith and I pray.

Each night before I go to bed I will read short verses of Bible and I pray for " my Friends and family".

This is what I read last night...... Christ said, "Have faith in God...... Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours." Mark 11: 22 and 24

Some of the Christian do believe in requesting to pray for each other, some don't as, "the thing is between me and God". I do believe in praying for others.

When I was sick my friends from around the world are praying for me. Guatemala, Germany, USA, Thailand, Shan State, Panama, .......
I was touch! I even had hospital workers praying with me!!

The first time I do really surrender in Christ was when I was fighting with my liver cancer. I just pray.."Your will be done." I had no question at all. "Why me??" is never in my mind but I prayed "Help me"! I did beg and prayed to Christ that, "I do not want to leave my child, he is too young."

Last Sunday after the service I did had a good conversation with Joe, and 2 girls from Hong Kong who are touring Thailand. They came to the church on Sunday.

Joe said, "Sometime it is difficult to understand how God's works. Here we had 2 cancer patients in our church , you and Peter (not his real name) but you stay and Peter die in short time. I do praying for you both!"

I told Joe, " I also do praying for Peter almost every night since the day I got told he had cancer. He passed a way but I am still do praying for the family."

I continued and shared my thought...." Here I think I am going to die soon by liver cancer, meantime I have heard and seen that 6 months old die, young people die or dying, accident happened in every minutes and look at it in Taiwan and Philippine lots of people die of flood! I do have many questions but I am still do praying because I do not understand. But one thing I know "Have faith and pray!!" I need God, I really do.

I also understand that there are 2 kinds of people who do the praying!

1. Give (faith), everything into the hands of God and pray.

2. Who pray because wanted to test the power of Christ... like, "well let see how the result will be!! may be yes or no, but I will pray in case Christ is there!!

Have faith and testing the power of Chirst is two very very differnt kinds.

As I used to say, I am a person who has faith in Christ but I will never jump off from my 16 and 17 floor saying God will catch me in the air. Of course you will be "DEAD"!

Anyway please put Steve in your prayer tonight please.

My blog is as you know not lavish, not grand, not good at English, sometime no taste, but some how around 40 people poking my blog each day. To my surprise my blog rank 1 million something in one link and Top Ten of another link too!! Even I am with my little world I am very happy!!

This is what I understanding of Blood Clot in Lung, (From my reading).....

"A blood clot in lung is usually called a pulmonary embolism. It is caused by a blood clot broken off from another part of the body and stuck in the lungs. A blood clot is a bunch of blood platelets stuck together. Blood clots are formed to heal something, like a cut or wound. This blood clot in lung then becomes a blockage and causes damage to the lungs, much like a heart attack or stroke. This damage is permanent because it cuts off bloodflow to that part of the lung. "

Anyone is at risk for a blood clot in lungs, but there are some typical risk factors. Some may include:

Family history
Estrogen therapy
Treatments for Blood Clot in Lung

Treatments include blood thinners. This prevents blood from clotting, which will keep the blood clot in lung from happening in the first place. This treatment can be a pill, shot or an iv.
There is another treatment if the blood thinner doesn't work to prevent a blood clot in lung. It is called vena cava filter and it does not prevent the clots from forming. Rather, it prevents them from entering your lungs.
".... It is from my google health news!!

1 comment:

Helen said...



If a blood clot forms in another area of the body, such as the arms or legs, it can break free and travel through the bloodstream. It can then become lodged in the lungs, with symptoms soon following.

Shortenss of Breath

This is a symptom that occurs when the clot is small and has not damaged surrounding tissue.


As the clot becomes larger and the damage grows worse, you may display symptoms of an anxiety attack. These can include restlessness and rapid breathing.

Pleuritic Chest Pain

This symptom may occur when you try to take a deep breath.

Blood-Stained Sputum

If the clot has grown larger and is damaging the tissue around it, you may begin to notice blood-tinged sputum when you cough.