UGLY Gadhafi??
"Gadhafi in grand UN performance" is the one I like to talk about!
"The UN's location in New York, which he described as inconvenient for him and other traveling world leaders, causing them all to suffer from jet lag." is from AP Assoclated Press, also as Yahoo head lines. It was the complaining from Gadhafi. What the hell he is talking? Is he 6 years old?? The United Nations General Assembly has been in New York for how long?? 64 years?? If he can't take the long flight he should stay at home. Listen to this news, beside complaining he only wanted to stay in his style of tent. He doesn't like hotel!! So the Donald Trump offered his building to put the tent for him. I heard Gadhafi cancelled Trump's offered!! I do not know where he is tenting now? I heard someone joke, he can tent in New York Central Park! Sick???
This Gadhafi, is he even know that it cause us, the tax payers , alot of money to put the meeting and to cover their asses!! If he did not like it, yes he no need to attend the meeting beside the world need to listen his talking rubbish!
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also listened to Obama, tieless and not using an earpiece. Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and Iran's U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazee each listened with earpieces." This Mahmoud man also is he ever feel shame of people walked out on his speech each year. When he will wake up and realized that most people do not like him??? He has no clue that people do not want to hear his crazy talk. Sill showing up each year doesn't he?
"Delegates also began walking out on Gadhafi. There was amazement and disbelief. Others laughed or smiled, perhaps not knowing quite how to respond. Many spoke among themselves. More than half the assembly that Gadhafi called the supreme leader of the world was deserting him. Empty blue and beige seats were replacing the sea of business suits." I have nothing to say that people walked out on Gadhafi. I could only said, ha ha ha ha ha!
"Gadhafi seemed to be making up for lost time. And when he finally ended, delegates lightly applauded and no one stood.
But Gadhafi clasped his hands above him and waved in triumph as he left." In my language I would say, "No one stood mean, no one respect him and lightly applauded mean, people hate him??"
Gadhafi clasped his hands above him mean, he loves he own speech?? Sicko??
That's all I can talk for today!
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