I just read an article about American Politic in Yahoo...Saying Obama is nominated for the Democrate party. Then the article going on saying about the colour of the skin, the age, experiences compairing with McCain.
In the article, it said..Obama is 46, Black (I thought he is actually black and white, but people keep saying he is black!), no expenrience enough but Hervard Graduate!
McCain, said he is 71, white, lots of experiences for the white house but saying he is too old for US President. Well if he win he will end at 75 right? What wrong with that age.
Like it or not in this most of the world...people see the first thing is colour and age, experiences come the second! Now let's imagine Than Shwe as a US President Candidate!!!! It's real funny right? OK just only imagine and let's see about Than Shwe...
Skin colour: Burmese but blacker than Obama.No black back ground .
Age : 75 which is older than McCain.
Education : No Hervard, No Oxford just grade 8??
Experiences: Nothing, Zero but know how to shoot!
Result :Looser!
Lets thinking real hard before we vote folks!!
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