New York Governer's Victim or just used him? The beauty and the monkey?

Would you be caught dead as this two men are your suger daddies?
Bill Clinton, Sen. John Edward, JFK, Brad Pitt, David Letterman, they all "Cheated or Cheating" their wives! There are many more. People even around me are cheating the wives too.
Yesterday was not a good day for Sen. John Edward. On CNN his sick news was aired! Who care his behavior? If I want to say rudely..., sure he can do what ever he wants with his own packer, right? I wonder, If he ever think about that he does have a wife who is fighting cancer instead of more focus on his packer?? A man born with a rotten packer is he, John Edward.
Then.... forget about the men who cheated or are cheating but I was thinking why women allowed or are allowing? Men did it because of "Boredom"? Let me tell you straightly here. After many years of marrying to one person, of course sometime "The Boredom" hit you. Truly to say but the hitting is not to only men but to women too. Men seen to forget that they are not the only menkind who born with Private Parts!
So I do some reading and saw the following......
The MistressHistories, Myths and Interpretations of the ''Other Woman''
In her book:"Mistresses are to be enjoyed, concubines are to serve, wives are to bear legitimate offspring."
I said: " Young men are to be enjoyed, toy boys are to serve, old men are to be a good Suger Daddy, husbands are to provide and give legitimate offspring?" Can women say that too????
In her book:"So one question is: do women fall naturally into these categories, or have they been placed there solely by men? I imagine it's a bit of both: men created the categories, and women slotted themselves into them."
I said:"I agree of what she said, well some of them. On she said, "Women been placed there solely by men?" I do not think so. No women want to be a mistress. I bet normal, good looking, out going, graduated, active brain owner and who use it rightly women, they all want to be the first one for every thing. I do want to be the first wive... period! Here, I am the first wive of Robins. He is fully occuiped with me. If, if, if...if he ever think about a mistress I have no other cheek for me to turn but I do have a good hand to beat him.....Ohhhhhhhhhh am I bad??? (I said so, I am not perfect Christian on that point!! Sorry!!!)
I think most women are allowed to placed in the "mistresses" category themselves just..... to use the men (married men or old fart nearly dead men), for their material straight word "Money". Give and Take is the meaning of "mistress". Well..... women, may be some of them might look for a better lives, better sex relationships or better fun?? I don't know because I haven't been there yet!
I think "mistresses' (not all, mostly), are the victims of money, power and they are allowing their fast money to control them instead of using their brains. Is that call short vision and blind for long vision??
Long vision is............................, "Wife loves your husband and husbnad loves your wife!"
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