"Char Om Kai Chou" (in Thai), is a kind of Thai foods. Char Om is vegetable, the leaves are long thin soft green colour with thorn in it. They beat it with egg and fry as egg omelet. I have seen it in many typical Thai Restaurants in Bangkok.
You have to eat "Char Om" with a kind of chilli paste. I never forget that the day I ate "Char Om" because it has a kind of strange smell that will stay with you even after 2 days. Your mouth, your arm pit or even in your "doo do", the smell is there. NO joking and it is true. I haven't ate Char Om for 5 years because of the smell and somehow it makes me very sleepy. I will never forget what Char Om is!
Our family (Robins's side), we used to have that family union once a year. We went to different places or beaches. The last time was at Fort Mayer beach in Florida and it was a beautiful time together. Now my in laws who paid for every each of us in each year for the fun, they are "OLD". Now the time is we go to see them, be with them is our family union.
One year we went to the Range (Is that call Duke Range?? living with the animal and eat the meat of them except horse meat!!!), on the mountain in Colorado. There is a another meal that I ate and will never forget about it. Also after that trip I never want to ride the horse in my life again. What kind of holiday is that I had to ride the horse for 6 days non-stop on the mountain, into the bush, into the tree, by the river, by the fish pond??? Oh...... you name it I was ridding the horse all over. The pain on my butt was unspeakable! I walked like a lame duck for 2 weeks. For sure not in Shan people style though. Remember...we kill the pig and eat the pig is the family festival for us. I enjoyed it though!
On that mountian trip, each night we had that different kinds of activities. One night we had to listen mountain man speaking (By the way this man is so dirty and his smell is worst than "Char Om"), one night we had to dance country dance which I was awfully bad, one night was a mountain BBQ...etc!
The night on BBQ, the menu was "Mountain Oyster BBQ"! Robins gave me a small piece and said "Try it!" Of course I fully trusted my own husband so I throw it into my mouth. Roibns said, "How's it?" I said, "Not bad!!". He said,"Do you know what it is?". I said to him, "No!".
Then Robins gave me with this a huge smile and said.."It is mountain buffalo's testicles grill!" I spitted it out the damn thing so fast and I was very mad at Robins. So mad that I felt I rather kick his testicles!!! If there are not other many holidayers around me, I might kick him for trick me. Do you think I will forget that first taste of Buffalo's Testicles Grill??? Never! Me no like to eat any testicles BBQ belong to the any kinds of animal, period!!
My point to ponder for today is we human seen to remember first thing in our life.
I had read this.... "Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the moon on Sunday, July 20, 1969. Most of us are familiar with Armstrong's historic statement as he stepped onto the moon's surface:"That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind." But few know about the first meal eaten there.
Buzz Aldrin had brought aboard the spacecraft a tiny communion kit provided by his Church. Aldrin sent a radio broadcast to earth asking listen to contemplate events of the day and to give thanks.
Then in radio blackout for privacy, Aldrin poured wine into a silver chalice. he read, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, bears much fruit" (John 15:5).
Silently , he gave thanks and partook of the bread and cup.
I beg and I am sure that these Astronauts on Apollo 11, they will never forget their first meal on the moon landing day! The name of the meal is "The First Communion On The Moon!"
Put God in first place and will see the joy out of it if you trust!!
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