I hate depression...I do. I am not make out of iron. I was make by a man name U Lay Shan and a woman name Nang Mie. That's mean... I am with you, a woman with flash, bone and a soul give it to me by My God.
I do have my own depression but luckily not chronic one. Somehow my nature helps me out of it. I am a person love to see people, like to joke, I dance, I exercise, I laugh and I compute and....I use computer too. Somehow my attitude help me out from the thing that I hate.....Depression!!
I have seen people so depress that I could no longer to stay near them. I was told they are suffering Chronic Depression. I wish they are on drug and be happy again. I really do. As a Liver Cancer Survivor I know how life is so wonderful! Well if you see good, it's good but if you want to see bad, it's will be bad around you.
The lists that give me slightly depression.......
-When I am thinking about "Cancer"
-When I heard about people who live in Burma
-When I see someone die of Cancer at young age
-Every time my Insurance went up each year
-When Robins talking about Money often kowing how much we have
-When I buy my medicine thinking how the poor will survive
-When thinking about my half brother in Hong Kong
Lists can be go on...
Now the lists that I do when I get depression......
-I try to see my friends
-I go out shopping
-I play tennis
-I do aerobic
-I email
-I blog, a place that I can say what I want and no one cut me in or out
-I face book
-I twit
-I tea with people that I love
-I go to the Gems Trade Town
-I take a shor day trip
-I sett some jewellery
-I sell Gem Stones
lists go on...
But... I realized that the things above I am doing are only giving me a short time happiness. I fall back to my very small depression again and again till I found a very wonderful way to deal with it.
It's call "have faith in God" and do what is the right thing that God wants me to do. i.e. Sharing!!! I was so proud and feel good for one little charity that I did. Yes I did it!! Think about it....I have so much blessing. I no need to worry about food, money nor a place to sleep. I live with a son who is healthy, a husband who loves me the way I am but not definitely perfect. So what!!! I have my flaws!
Reading Bible is another way of giving me such a feeling that I do not know how to put in English. For me there is an answer in Bible if I seek something that I do not understand. Last thing...."I surrender and let God leads me."
OK here again I say...of course I have to do my earthly parts with "Faith." This faith is leading me where I am today. I love Christ and I do.
Antidepressants May Raise Risk of Breast Cancer Return
Date Published: Monday, June 1st, 2009
We have long reported on the dangers associated with certain antidepressants, with some linked to pediatric suicides, others to cardiac deaths in women. Now, Bloomberg.com is reporting on the findings of a new study that indicate the breast cancer medication tamoxifen does not work when taken with certain antidepressants, resulting in an increased risk of breast cancer recurrence.
The study cited Prozac (Eli Lilly and Company), Zoloft (Pfizer Inc.), and Paxil (GlaxoSmithKline), said Bloomberg.com, and indicated that breast cancer tumors were over twice as likely to come back following two years of antidepressant use while on tamoxifen, versus those taking tamoxifen alone. The research was conducted by Medco Health Solutions Inc., and was just presented at an American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Florida. The study involved 945 women taking tamoxifen, and another 353 taking tamoxifen and an antidepressant.
The study found that patients on both an SSRI and tamoxifen experienced a 14 percent risk of tumor return, versus a 7.5 percent increase for women on tamoxifen alone. The risk jumped to 16 percent with Paxil, Prozac, or Zoloft users, said Bloomberg.com. “This is the first large outcomes-based study to reinforce earlier research questioning the use of Paxil and Prozac in patients taking tamoxifen,” said Robert Epstein, quoted Bloomberg.com. Epstein is a study author and chief medical officer for the pharmaceutical benefits firm Medco.
Treating hot flashes with antidepressants is an unapproved use. Following a seven-year study in the United States, hormone replacement therapy (HRT)—the typical medical treatment for hot flashes—was linked to an increase in breast cancer and heart attacks, explained Bloomberg.com. Because of this, doctors started treating flashes with antidepressants. Hot flashes are a side effect of tamoxifen, said Bloomberg.com.
Interestingly, external science advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looked at the effect of some antidepressants on the effects of tamoxifen, specifically if antidepressants destroyed tamoxifen’s efficacy, said Bloomberg.com. The 2006 review concluded that data on the effect should be added to tamoxifen labeling; however, to date, there is no such statement on this risk on the medication’s label, said Bloomberg.com.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said Bloomberg.com, breast cancer is the second most common female cancer, with 187,000 women diagnosed and 41,000 women dying from it in 2005, the last year for which CDC data are available.
In the body, tamoxifen works by combining with CYP2D6, a liver enzyme; the combination becomes endoxifen a known tumor fighter, said Bloomberg.com. Certain antidepressants also use CYP2D6, which inhibits tamoxifen’s efficacy, said Bloomberg.com. “The patient might as well be taking a placebo,” said Frankie Ann Holmes, associate director of breast cancer studies at U.S.
Oncology Research in Houston, quoted Bloomberg.com citing a 2005 report published by ASCO.
Holmes said antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—for instance, Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and Lexapro—are known to cause the interaction, reported Bloomberg.com, which added that Paxil most powerfully blocks the CYP2D6 enzyme. Patients taking tamoxifen should not be taking or prescribed SSRIs, said Holmes.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 1st, 2009 at 10:17 am and is filed under Pharmaceuticals.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!! What kind of doctor are you?
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