I have this embarrassing problem that every time I ate bean (any kind of beans), it form me gas.......not small amount of gas folks but big one. I can see my stomach get blotching and starting to make noise. The only way to be cured for this problem is I have to FART out!!
The other day we had a house guest, Dr. Steve who knows about fish and lots of science stuff, I should say he knows about fish vaccine very well too. I do not know how's my brain works but give me a signal that I have to ask Steve .."Do Fish Fart, Steve?""
Steve said "Good question!." ... Steve said.."May be but let see what google said!" I realized that even a good science doctor do not know about "Fish Fart" for sure.
We found out Yes!!!!.....Fish do Fart but unfortunately only male! I was so happy for the female fish...What a good news and a good rest for them!! Scientists are still confusion on real fart or fake fart. The scientist should do more research on that! Me also still very interesting in about fish fart is real or not.....so if you guys know about it let me know please.
I am still planning to ask this question to another fish expert, Dr. Arlo. I will let you all know what is Dr. Arlo Fast's view on fish fart!

Do fish fart? Plus: angels dancing on the head of a pin (cont.)
November 10, 2000
November 10, 2000
Dear Cecil:
A quick question which I have been unable to find an answer to. Do fish fart?
— Alan, via the Internet
A quick question which I have been unable to find an answer to. Do fish fart?
— Alan, via the Internet
When you get a question like this you think, This is a golden opportunity to brighten up scientists' dull lives. I sent urgent inquiries all over the globe. Best response on the subject of whether fish fart: "They do if they're male."
Fish flatulence has not been a major focus of biological research, so the following is somewhat tentative. To some extent the answer depends on how you define "fart." Many fish have a swim bladder that they inflate or deflate as necessary to maintain buoyancy. Usually any expelled gas exits from the mouth and would properly be considered a burp. However, the sand tiger shark, Carcharias taurus, gulps air into its stomach at the surface, then discharges it out the back door to attain the desired depth. Surely this qualifies as flatulence in the common sense of the term.
But purists may object that this isn't true farting--that is, a by-product of digestion. We then get into a somewhat speculative realm. In theory any animal's metabolism produces carbon dioxide, while bacteria in the gut produce methane. Both must be purged lest the fish lose the ability to control its buoyancy. Carbon dioxide is typically eliminated via gas transport to the gills; methane has to escape some other way. However, actual sightings of farting fish are rare--and let's face it, underwater this isn't a phenomenon that could be easily concealed. Some experts say digestive gases are consolidated somehow with the fish's feces, which are packed into a gelatinous tube and then expelled. (Frequently the fish then eats this--not for nothing is the study of fish called ichthyology.) The point is, no farts.
Some fish observers claim they see a telltale bubble or two escape from the stern of a fish after it has gulped air at the surface (I have heard this said of tarpon). But again, this is not strictly a product of digestion. On the Web I have seen the claim that inasmuch as coral is made of calcium carbonate, which when combined with stomach acid produces carbon dioxide, coral-eating fish ought to produce farts in abundance. If true, it seems to me, the critters in the vicinity of a typical coral reef should emit forests of bubbles unequaled since the days of Lawrence Welk--not the impression one usually gets. Then again, few visit reefs specifically for the purpose of detecting fish farts. In short, Alan, much research remains to be done. Maybe you could organize an expedition and let us know.
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