Tuesday, February 2, 2010


NOTE: If we are allowing things is not right for you, the consequences are now or later!! There is not "Never"..

"Madame Marie Curie holds her place in history as a pioneer in the study of radioactivity. In 1903, she was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, capturing the honor in physics. Then, in 1911, she received a second Nobel Prize, this one in Chemistry.

Such a wonderful contribution did not come without tremendous sacrifice. Madame Curie died of Leukemia caused by prolonged exposure to radioactive materials. Even today, scholars who wish to read her hand written journals and lab papers must wear protective clothing because these achieves are still radioactive. No one today would approach radioactive material without protection."

Sin are more or less likes radioactivity. You can handle with protective or just continuing to expose it. Sin also can leads us to deadly consequences.

As a Christian, there are Ten Commandments to handle the sin to save. If you want to argue with me go ahead but I will stay silent forever cause piratical is better than just talking!!

The part that I grew up in my early years of age, there are so many drug dealers. The Golden Triangle is one of the most famous parts of drug trafficking in the world. I have or had seen some families who are poor to almost dead but in months they become rich suddenly. But..... each of the drugs dealing family faces like, the father got shot and die, the son got shot and die, the daughter in law is in Jail, even the whole family got shot to dead at home or some members disappeared but no one know how or when or where???? It is still now happening in that part of the world.

As you all are smart enough to know that sin is not only comes as mafia or drug dealers or thieves but it comes into your life many different ways. I am not a Preacher or the preacher's wife but this come into my devotional time last night!!

I am not the sin free person. I may sin knowingly or without knowingly but I will try and try and try and try.................... till the day that I'm kneeling down in front of my God!!

"The Bible will tell you what is worng before you have done it!"
D. L. Moody

NOTE: Read the Bible!!!!

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