Friday, October 31, 2008
Shan State

Above: Inle Lake is one of the beautiful places in Shan State
Below: Map of Shan State

Thursday, October 30, 2008
2 Years Living Wtih The New Liver!
Two years ago today on 30th Oct 2006 , I received my new liver. Actually for Bangkok time should be tomorrow. What do I feel today , what am I thinking and what am I going to do?? I want to share some with you on this my very special day.
1. As very almost 2 years, I am looking back some of my past. Last night my memories flash back to the bad news day from a doctor, looking for the good doctors, the room that I stayed in the hospital, operation room actually rooms, CT and MRI days, doctors and nurses faces, kind and friendly people that I met in the hospital, my infusion days, some of those hospital workers who never hesitate to pray with me when I requested and touch my life, Rocky point blood lab center people, (I can still hear as they are calling me Ms.Helennnnnnnnnnnnn!), my donuts days with them, my husband and my son faces of those days, some bad days with Robins because of my Prednisone (Deltasone), one tirp with tearful drive days to and from Houston (I hate that trip!)...etc...
2. I am so happy because things that I wanted to do, some are getting done. I like to go to Israel and I did (there are some countries that I do not want to go but no choice!!). I prayed that I wish to see my son boarding school, I saw it. I said I wish to feed poor people in Christmas time, I got to do it ( I will do it again). I have so much blessing and with my liver transplant, I suddenly wake up to see others feeling, theirs difficult time for many reasons. I told to myself that I will help to others as much as I can. Somehow I have some control on my discontent, jealousy, bitterness, resentment, defensiveness and my craziness!!
I have seen a very poor congregation (not more than 70) with hill tribes people in Thailand. I wish and pray that they will have a proper place to pray together.
3. Tonight I am planning to spend the time with friends. I invited around 15 people to my house, they all confirm to come except Lan who is working with the Finance Group (as this time I do understand how busy she can be). I wish my Doctor Hemming, Doctor Nelson, Doctor Pico are with us also some nurses and a black lady driver at Shand Hospital, University of Florida.
I will go to up north again to spend Christmas with my grand mama and we all will go to Shan States to see my mother side of families. This will be a good one for Robins and Shan as for the first time to see Keng Tung and for me after 25 years, I am so willing to see my birth place! I wish to thank here to American Nurse Ms. Peggy Smith, who delivered me so bravely and walked through the battle time to my home. I am so glad that she did not get shot at, (The Shan Insurgents and the Burmese Army were fighting but never end, till today).
I will end with a prayer..
"Dear God, I am sure and believe that you are with my liver donor family today too. Thank you so much for a good 2 years with Robin, Shan, families and friends. Cancer has remission and recurrence but I do not have remission or recurrent with you Lord. I will be and want to be with you for ever and ever my God. A men!"
Indeed, God is good and God is grace!
Jesus Said, "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have over come the world." John 16:33
I Love you all and so thankful that I can still say it and.......I mean it!
I have to scream one more thing, " Thank you sooooooooooo much Dr. Hemming!!"
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Naked Yoga!

Naked Yoga claim that, it helps you take your soul beyond your mind and body! Hell.... No for me, I wish my soul still attached with me as long as I am breathing. I won't let my soul go beyond my body....that's mean feel dead? OK take a joke.
Said, Naked Yoga encourages a new appreciation for physical, mental and spiritual being your self. Let me tell you, every time you get naked for what ever reasons..... and feel that you are not being your self, please go see the mental doctor quickly.
Reminder from me: Who ever loving to do the Naked Yoga, please remember that always take the first roll or make sure who ever in front of you are beautiful!
Liberating Experience of Naked Yoga
Posted on August 16, 2007 in Latest News
Practicing Yoga is altogether a liberating experience. Yoga is a philosophy in life that helps in the overall development of your body and mind. In fact Yoga helps you take your soul beyond your mind and body. Among the most liberating techniques in Yoga, Naked Yoga or Nude Yoga has been given immense importance.
What is Naked or Nude Yoga?
As the name suggests, Naked Yoga is a yoga technique practiced without any clothes on your body.
Benefits of Naked Yoga:
The initial feeling attached to this concept of shedding your clothes and being naked might be very unappealing and also offensive. But when practiced, this opens up new liberating horizons for you. It teaches you that there is nothing uncomfortable about your naked body. In other words, it liberates you by making you feel ‘at home with your body’.
Naked yoga may prove a hard task to grasp in the initial days. This is because nudity can be very distracting and may be a challenge to your concentration. But, with regular practice and with the help of your Yoga instructor, you can win over these distractions. The major objective during the sessions of naked yoga is to enable you to feel free in your body and eliminate concerns about your physical imperfections. This technique can help you win over the discomfort about your body and self-consciousness.
Nudity is usually discussed as a socially unaccepted practice in both eastern and western continents; because of which naked yoga has been taking a back seat in all continents. But the positive motive of this yoga has been converting many Yogis to become ardent proponents of naked yoga.
In a nut shell, naked yoga encourages a new appreciation for the physical, mental, and spiritual being in your self.
Monday, October 27, 2008
People are dealing with the love one's dead differently. Some writing down memories, some in memorial services, some keep something of love ones ..etc..
I lost 2 of my very close family. My mother and my sister, both are no longer with me for over 10 years. They both are time to time in my mind. I am very mad at cancer which took my mother and my sister of very younger lives. If my grand ma ma die now, I can happily take it. She lives over 90 years!
If you ask me when my mother and sister die, I do not know exactly the date. Actually this is the way I trained myself for not to think only the day that they die because I know this will give me pain, lots of pain. Honestly it does not help me much...still they are in my mind.....always! There is not a year that I do not think about them.
When I was told that I had cancer, sometime I help to myself saying "I am going to see my mother and my sister." Now one more in my list that I wanted to see if I go donor, my liver donor. I am still do not understand that why a younger life is gone and I am still here. Dead, is a thing or in life that no humen being has control on it.
By the way... I read Ben Witherington's blog time to time. I can't write as he does but I mostly understand and like his blog. The following his blog is one of my favorite.
No one living person knows that when is his/hers last day on earth except you arrange your dead day with the doctor help.
I am walking on the line that my Lord Jesus said,
"Have faith in God".... Mark 11:22 and I am very very happy with it.
Ben Witherington
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Lessons from the Amish-- the Power of Pacifism
Marian Fisher was only thirteen. She had a lot to live for, and probably many years yet to live. Yesterday she was buried in a cold steady rain in a little farm graveyard near Georgetown Pennsylvania. When Marian went to her little Amish school last Monday morning she had no idea what she would face, certainly not that her faith in her Christian principles would be tested to the max earlier this past week. After all, she was thirteen, and like most Amish girls her age was wrapped up in farm life, and perhaps beginning to think about the period of time when she would be allowed to 'experiment'. During the teen years the Amish allow their children to go out and experience the world for a few years, date, go to movies, and the like, so they can make up their mind whether they want to continue to faithfully live the Amish life or be like the 'Englishmen' as they are sometimes called--- the outsiders. I should know. I lived in the middle of the Amish for eleven years and watched their witness. It puts most other Christians in the region to shame. Picture a small one room Amish school house.
Picture Emma Mae Zook, only twenty, and yet already for three years the school teacher of these children. She ran from the school house to alert the police, while her fifteen or so boy students were escaping or being allowed to go. Ten girls remained, between 6 and thirteen, and Marian Fisher last Monday stood up first to a crazed and tormented man named Carl Roberts a 32 year old milk man who shot the girls and then turned the gun on himself. Marian sister, Barbie who was wounded, reported what happened next. The girls asked 'Why are you doing this?' Carl Roberts replied 'I am angry with God'. Angry that God had not stopped him from molesting some children in his past. But as it turns out, he was delusional. He had not molested those children. Was he driven mad by pornographic images of young girls? Did he imagine himself at the scene having sex with such girls but never managed to do it? One thing for sure. He was sane enough to realize that a school full of Amish young children was a vulnerable place, and he was a predator. His plan apparently was to have sex with some of those school girls and then kill. But Marian Fisher intervened.She said to Carl Roberts in somewhat broken English "Shoot me, and leave the other one's loose." She knew the Amish way. She knew Jesus' way. She was prepared to die for the others. And some of them are still clinging to life and it appears some will survive. Roberts of course escaped human accountability by killing himself as police stormed the building hearing shots, but there is a God in heaven who is not deaf to the cries of the saints and martyrs. But that is not all of the story coming out of Nickel Mines Pennsylvania.
Carl Roberts had a wife and three kids who live right there on the edge of the community. Marie Roberts, the wife has been embraced by many of the Amish. They have invited her to please stay, in fact to come and mourn together, because the Bible says we should mourn with those who mourn. She has been told that everyone is forgiven by the Amish, even Carl Roberts who did this hideous thing.This friends is real Christianity. Christians do not retaliate. They do not seek revenge, for the Bible says that vengeance should be left in the hands of the Lord. In fact they do quite the opposite. They offer forgiveness even to their tormentors. They seek peace at the least and reconciliation at the most with those who revile them, harm them, kill them. And there is another side to this as well. Richard Gelles is an expert on violence and children. He says that psychologically the practice of forgiveness will help the Amish themselves heal far faster than others would. Forgiveness also heals the forgiver. Somewhere out there, there is someone who is muttering about meekness being weakness. There is someone out there suggesting that violence is the way to answer and silence senseless violence. There is someone simply ignoring the words of Jesus that those who live by the sword die by the sword. But it isn't Marian Fisher. She passed the test of her Christ-like faith. She was braver than a hundred men with guns in their hands. She gave the last full measure of her devotion to God by giving up her life for others, and some of them appear likely to survive this tragedy. In fact, if we really knew the heart of Jesus, we would know that he himself died a little once again last Monday when those girls were killed.
It was Jesus who said "in as much as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me". It was Jesus who confronted Saul on Damascus Road, Jesus who was dwelling securely in heaven, and asked Saul "Why are you persecuting me?" There is a deep, spiritual connection between Jesus and his people, like a head attached to a body, such that what happens to us, in some mysterious way, happens to him, though he be in heaven. I do not understand it, but I know this is true for he said so.So I stand with the Amish and I stand with Jesus. Not all the armies who ever marched have had the power or effect on history of that one single and solitary life, the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, on all of humankind going on now for over 2,000 years. Long ago Jesus said to me and to us all "take up your cross, and follow me".
The Amish understand that that is an invitation to lay down your weapons and be prepared to die rather than fight for what you believe. They understand that love and forgiveness are stronger forces than death and destruction. They understand that forgiveness breaks the hideous cycle of violence. That's what a real Christian life can and will do. And yes friends, it takes a lot of courage to stick by these principles in the age and culture and world we live in. Make no mistake. Revenge and retaliation come natural to fallen human beings. Forgiveness however comes from God. It is surpernatural and it transforms both the forgiver and the forgiven.
Some years ago, Mother Teresa was crossing the Allenby Bridge into the Holy Land from Jordan. She was stopped of course by Israeli border guards, who troubled to search this diminuitive little nun. They asked her "have you any weapons?" --a ridiculous thing to ask a nun. "Oh yes" she said boldly. "I have my prayerbooks." And she held them up. The Amish have said this week that they have felt uplifted by the prayers of millions who have been told about this story. Prayer--- now there's a dangerous weapon that can change the landscape of the world.
This story about Marian Fisher will stay with me for a long time. I hope that if it comes to that, I someday will have the courage she did to confront the violence and absorb it by giving a life. I hope I will continue to 'stick to my guns' which are my prayers and continue to forgive those who would do me and mine harm in any form. This I know for sure. This world is run by a God who answers prayer, not by a God who calls us to other sorts of arms. This world is run by a God who died for me on the cross and shouted out with his dying breath about those who were tormenting and killing him "Father forgive them, they know not what they do." If we could only see with Jesus' eyes, we would know that suffering love and forgiveness is what saves and heals the world. The Amish know that. And they have borne witness to us all this week. May the memory of Marian Fisher be seared into our hearts for a long time to come. It is a portrait of our Lord.
Posted by Ben Witherington at 4:54 AM
My Grandmama, Shan, the cook and the B-B-Q
My son wants a BBQ so we did our best for him with Burmese BBQ pit! I think meat taste better as real coal BBQ. We all had a good time!
My grand mama was so happy with my present, Amish's hat from Penn. State. She said "It is looks like a baby hat!"...I told her "No grand ma, it is for all the women, a kind of people from America"....She throw me one more question, "What kind of people still wearing baby hat?"... I just told her that next time I will bring a photo for her to see.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
photos:Holiday Oct. 2008
You can see me shopping, visiting and meeting people in Mae Sai, Thailand! The little soldier is a guard in Thai side of Bridge. He looked so nothing to do beside sitting on the bridge rails. I asked him to make a photo with me. He looks so young isn't he?. The river behind me is a border line between Burma and Thailand. The women in this photos are local Shan People.
The weather was one day cool and one day hot. So many tourist because of long holiday. I did enjoy my holiday and the food!
photos:Holiday Oct 2008-Rev. Paul Lewis
Feli told me Rev. Paul is here so I stoped by to say Hello! I wanted to meet him long time ago because I have heard about him many times from many people that how his works for hill tribes people are so marvelous. He does writes and speaks Burmese, Lahu and Akha fluently. He is the one who translate Lahu and Akha Bibles.
Me, Rev. Paul and Shan at NLC in Cheing Mai
photos: Holiday Oct 2008-Tachilek Burma
One thing that I can't understand is, We can go in and out from that Border town of Thailand without charging but Burma side we have to pay 500 Baht each which I considered so high pay to visit Burma.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thought from a millionaire and thought from a woman who married into millionaire
Back from a good break holiday! I got the following article from one of my good friends by email. I read it, like it and blog it for everyone.
In this world rich people are so rich and poor are so poor. There is a middle people who is doing so so. I have seen happy millionaires and also unhappy millionaires. The same time, I have seen so many happy poor and unhappy poor people too.
Mr. Khoo said, He flys on economy class when he is travelling. Good for you M. Khoo. He continued .."That's why I am a millionaire." Well that's a good one. A person like him, a millionaire still saving is rare. I mean save so much that he even can't enjoy first class of flying is .....unbelievable. If this is make him happy I understand.
I would say, I honestly admit it that I always wanted to fly on business or first class. Am I bad for to feel like this way? If I am in Mr. Khoo's (by the way I love his name, KHOO) shoe, I will check my money and will go and flow along with it. I do not believe in burn it off. I would not love to fly on economy back home to USA each year which is such a pain in the.....????.(what ever you want to put in here). Koo said he used to save 80%. My way will be 50% save and 50% enjoy it.
Mr. Khoo said, most self made millionaires are frugal.
I would say, How true! I am living with one. Well to be fair Robins is thoughtful and loving father so I am satisfy with him. He does save, oh yes he save so much that sometime I can't stand it his way but I love him.
Mr. Khoo said, I happily pay 1300$ for my daughter education.
I would say, I agree 100% spending on education with Khoo. I was told, " Teach them how to fish than giving the fish". Well..some situations like, no matter how you teach them to fish but if there is no water, how could you fish? aha! No water, no fish la!
Mr. Koo said, I don't really find happiness for buying branded things..(clothes, jewellery..ta ta ta).
I would say, I hope Koo talking about only buying not to show off. There are two kind of people who love to have branded things. One, like to show off ! Two, Just wanted to wear it and feel good. Again I honestly admitted that I want Gucci watch, I want LV belts, ta ta ta ta...I do like them because they are well done, well design. I bet Mrs. Khoo has some of those. I do know as Khoo said...Rolex watch won't make me happy for a long time." Of course not! What make me happy is when I see my son and my husband at home with me, When I am with my good friends for lunch or tea, seeing my grandma is healthy, oh.... so many that make me happy. So much blessing which is countless.
I do not know Khoo in person but reading his blog, I feel that Mr. Khoo is a good, smart man and a happy person! He can be my Robins's hero. Good for you Mr. Khoo!
A Blog Posted by Singapore 's Youngest Millionaire
By Adam Khoo
Some of you may already know that I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Suzhou (China). I am in the airport almost every other week so I get to bump into many people who have attended my seminars or have read my books.Recently, someone came up to me on a plane to KL and looked rather shocked. He asked, 'How come a millionaire like you is travelling economy?' My reply was, 'That's why I am a millionaire.' He still looked pretty confused. This again confirms that greatest lie ever told about wealth (which I wrote about in my latest book 'Secrets of Self Made Millionaires').
Many people have been brainwashed to think that millionaires have to wear Gucci, Hugo Boss, Rolex, and sit on first class in air travel. This is why so many people never become rich because the moment that earn more money, they think that it is only natural that they spend more, putting them back to square one.The truth is that most self-made millionaires are frugal and only spend on what is necessary and of value. That is why they are able to accumulate and multiply their wealth so much faster. Over the last 7 years, I have saved about 80% of my income while today I save only about 60% (because I have my wife, mother in law, 2 maids, 2 kids, etc. to support). Still, it is way above most people who save 10% of their income (if they are lucky). I refuse to buy a first class ticket or to buy a $300 shirt because I think that it is a complete waste of money. However, I happily pay $1,300 to send my 2-year old daughter to Julia Gabriel Speech and Drama without thinking twice.
When I joined the YEO (Young Entrepreneur's Organization) a few years back (YEO is an exclusive club open to those who are under 40 and make over $1m a year in their own business) I discovered that those who were self-made thought like me. Many of them with net worths well over $5m, travelled economy class and some even drove Toyota's and Nissans (not Audis, Mercs, BMWs). I noticed that it was only those who never had to work hard to build their own wealth (there were also a few ministers' and tycoons' sons in the club) who spent like there was no tomorrow. Somehow, when you did not have to build everything from scratch, you do not really value money. This is precisely the reason why a family's wealth (no matter how much) rarely lasts past the third generation. Thank God my rich dad (oh no! I sound like Kiyosaki) foresaw this terrible possibility and refused to give me a cent to start my business.Then some people ask me, 'What is the point in making so much money if you don't enjoy it?' The thing is that I don't really find happiness in buying branded clothes, jewellery or sitting first class. Even if buying something makes me happy it is only for a while, it does not last. Material happiness never lasts, it just give you a quick fix. After a while you feel lousy again and have to buy the next thing which you think will make you happy.
I always think that if you need material things to make you happy, then you live a pretty sad and unfulfilled life.Instead, what make ME happy is when I see my children laughing and playing and learning so fast. What makes me happy is when I see by companies and trainers reaching more and more people every year in so many more countries. What makes me really happy is when I read all the emails about how my books and seminars have touched and inspired someone's life. What makes me really happy is reading all your wonderful posts about how this BLOG is inspiring you.
This happiness makes me feel really good for a long time, much much more than what a Rolex would do for me.I think the point I want to put across is that happiness must come from doing your life's work (be in teaching, building homes, designing, trading, winning tournaments etc.) and the money that comes is only a by-product. If you hate what you are doing and rely on the money you earn to make you happy by buying stuff, then I think that you are living a life of meaningless__._,_.___
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Khun Sa
Yes, he is not Shan mostly 75% Chinese. May be more!
Susan Carmichael-my mother in law and Silver Springs

1987 when my mother passed away in Hong Kong, the first letter was from her. I haven't met her yet but I was so touch by a letter from a woman who I do not know how she looks like. She is the one who teach me how to drive, how to make a gravy, how to lay a Thanksgiving and Christmas lunch table and how to play tennis even I was in 6 month pregnant.
My mother in law was born in Silva Spring property (sea above map), broght up there. Later she went to Chicago University to get her art degree. Her father was a welknow man in Florida. He owned the Silva Spring, later my mothe in law and Uncle Ned inherited it. There were lots of movies make on her property. My best one is Cross Creek! I love to hear it when she talked about the making of Yearling
The Seven Swans
Richard BarthelmessMarguerite Clark
Tarzan The Ape-Man
Johnny WeissmullerMaureen O'Sullivan
Tarzan and His Mate
Johnny WeissmullerMaureen O'Sullivan
Tarzan Escapes
Johnny WeissmullerMaureen O'Sullivan
Tarzan Finds A Son
Johnny WeissmullerMaureen O'Sullivan
Tarzan's Secret Treasure
Johnny WeissmullerMaureen O'Sullivan
Tarzan's New York Adventure
Johnny WeissmullerMaureen O'Sullivan
The Yearling
Gregory Peck Jane Wyman
Barefoot Mailman
Robert CummingsTerry Moore
Distant Drums
Gary Cooper
Fernando LamasArlene Dahl
Creature From The Black Lagoon
Richard CarlsonJulia Adams
Jupiter's Darling
Esther WilliamsHoward Keel
Jane RussellRichard Egan
Rebel Without A Cause
James DeanNatalie Wood
Revenge Of The Creature
John AgarLori Nelson
Don't Give Up The Ship
Jerry Lewis
Sean Connery
Rock HudsonClaudia Cardinale
Roger Moore
Cross Creek
Mary SteenburgenRip Torn
Smokey & The Bandit "3"
Jackie Gleason
Never Say Never Again
Sean Connery
Tom Cruise
Jimmy Buffet
IMAX Film/Louisana Wetlands
Major Television Shows/Specials and Commercials Shot at Silver Springs
You Asked For It
Art Baker
Sea Hunt
Lloyd Bridges
The Arlene Francis Show
Arlene Francis
The Jack Paar Show
Jack Paar
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
Marlin Perkins
I Spy
Bill Cosby Robert Culp
Make A Wish
"Night Creatures"National Geographic
One Life To Live (soap opera)
Waterproof Band Aids commercialJohnson & Johnson
Outboard motors commercialMercury Motors
Fishing tackle commercialDupont
Alien Animals of Florida
240 Robert
Mark Harmon
Silk industry commercial
Roy Scheider
"Beyond 2000"Discovery Channel
"Next Step"Discovery Channel
Financial investments commercialDean Witter
"Springs of North Florida"National Geographic
"Alligators & Crocodiles"National Geographic
"Big Cypress Gator"Discovery Channel
"Ultimate Guide to Crocodiles"Discovery Channel
"Crocodile Hunter" (Steve Irwin)Discovery Channel
Wrigley’s Chewing Gum TV commercial
"Ice Age Oasis”Wild New World (BBC-TV)
Coca-Cola Commercial
general history historical timeline history IN THE CINEMA CINEMA TIMELINE
Go Ms. Palin

One of my husband's friends, Bill, his relative is going to run US President for 2012. He was suppose to run this year but back off. I should not mention the Mayor going to be Senator's name, it's not good for me. I will shut my hand for that. I told Bill, we want to go to the celebration if your bro win! How do you call that, President Ball??
Tomorrow, I am leaving to my summer house at Northern part of Thailand. Be back after a week, also planning to go to Golden Triangle. I will bring some photos for you all.
See you on my blog soon!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Photos-Bugs and Feet
Laura, I believe!!
Bangkok is a place for tourist aslo a place for bugs and foot massage!
Photos- Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand
Monday, October 13, 2008
Gem Business
Most of my classmates are now in jewellery business. We had 1 Franch, 3 Singaporeans, 2 Iranian, 2 Burmese, some Americans and some Indians. We had such a good time together and also such a painful time to learn Chemistry with my late 30 age.
Today I had lunch with Cary and Tong... Cary is from Hawaii and Tong is from Thailand. His father is the CEO of International Gem and Jewellery Trade Show in Thailand. Tong become part time teacher of Gem Institute and Cary went into serious business. Tong is the best in our class, he was born in Gem Family. His father owns gem shop with a factory.
I mostly take order or show in my house or buy and sell. Gem Business is like this...... To sell a one million baht Ruby, it take me may be 15 minutes talk and done with it. But sometime for me to sell 3000 Baht, I have to talk 3 days because picky and difficult customers. My best customers are Taiwanese, they know what they want and have some knowledge of gems.
Anyway back to Lunch. We had a long talking lunch though! Cary told us one of his bad experiences which I thought What a real bad customer that he had!!
2 Years ago, Cary sold a pair of earring to a lady from Washington DC State . After 8 months she called up Cary and told him that she never wear the earring and she doesn't like them any more. She said, she wanted to change another kind of earring. Here Cary, out of his good heart, he did changed for her. Then nearly a year later she called up Cary again and said, she did not want the earring any more. She did gave it back to Cary with another deal. She wants Cary to buy a gold bracelet from Bangkok. Again Cary did ! Cary sold it to her with prize tag at 600US$.
After a little over 2 years, one morning in Thailand, Cary got a called from the woman with very upset and angry voice. she said that "I am in Bangkok and I want back my money 600US$ because I just found out that my bracelet was value only 300US$. You have to come and see me at the hotel with 600 US$ right now."
Tong and I laughed so much when Cary told us his problem with the woman. Of course Cary was so pissed! Cary's customer need to go back to school too. When we were school, We learned that Gem from Bangkok to New York is 300% up due to many reasons. The woman forgot that she has to spend air ticket, hotel fee, her food and her times to get the bracelet if she wanted to buy by herself in Bangkok all the way from Washington DC State! She needs to do some calculation.
This is the one story of many stories! I had a Burmese friend who got cheated. His Burmese Ruby is 6 carets, unheated. A beautiful rare natural Burmese Ruby! He wanted to sell at 60,000 us$. Ok this is another long story.
Anyway good to see my friends.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The feeling of liver recipient
Then I pray for that the doners parents can somehow cope with this loss. I know how painful the loss must have been for the parents because I know how I wanted to live so bad for my son when my doctor told me "You have liver cancer!". My mind was full of questions...Who's going to take care of my son? Who's going to take him to the church? Who's going to arrange his boarding shcool room? How's he going to handle of my dead?.... My mind was unrest.
I want to share the following...
Time to time I went to visit Mr and Mrs Bharvaney who lost their son in 9/11. One day of my visit..this is Mrs. Bhavaney told me..............
"Helen, The loss of my son is the most painful. There is not a day that I am not thinking about him. I have a friend who lived above of my condo. When she lost her son, I went to see her often and gave my best comfort to her. I just do my best out of my goodness but I really do not know how she feel until my own son die! I feel my world aroud me was gone. I see nothing and everything is gone"...
I feel very sorry for her. I learn one thing in my life.. How great the love of a proper mother has on her child when the day I become a mother myself! One mother can't say to another mother, " My love to my child is greater than your love of to your child!" They all equal.
As my second year of liver transplant is approaching, I think alot of my liver donor parent. As I mentioned my last blog that I haven't met them yet. If you ask me "Do I want to?" answer is "Yes....very much!" and I am looking that day will come before I go. I want them to see me how well I am doing with their very thoughtful present.
I want to share the following article to all of you and to the donor and recipents.
Robin, Donor mother,Tennessee
As Mother's Day draws near, I feel a sense of dread coming over me. May 13, 2001 will be 2 years since the death of my youngest son, Blake. On May 12th, Blake (15-years-old) and my older son Bryce (17-years-old) were involved in a car accident on the way to a high school soccer game.
It was a devastating time for our community and especially for our family. That evening at the hospital, we were in shock when we were told that Blake was brain dead and would not survive. Bryce was still in intensive care and was scheduled for surgery later that night. The hospital was filled with teenagers, parents and our family. The love and support all of them gave us at the time was very comforting. It was proof that Blake had touched so many lives during his short 15 years and that Bryce would have the help he needed from all of us to recover.
When asked about organ donation, we just did not know what to do. We were not educated about organ donation and had never spoken with Blake about it. After discussing this decision with our family, we knew that we had to say yes! In life Blake was such a giving person, we knew that it would have been his choice to give in order to help others. He gave his family and friends love, laughter, friendship and joy, and we knew he would want to give someone else the opportunity to have a better life.
We have recently been in contact with one recipient, and we know that Blake's other two recipients are doing fine. That gives us some comfort in knowing that a miracle has come from our tragedy.
For the past year and a half I have been involved with our local donor service to help educate the public about organ donation, especially teenagers and their parents. Making organ donation a topic about LIFE not death is very important. Blake would have died from his injuries from the accident no matter what, but others are LIVING because of his donation.
In closing, I just want to encourage everyone that has been touched in some way by organ donation, recipient or donor family, to share their story with others. By sharing my story, I may be saving the life of a friend or family member in the future if they are ever in need of an organ transplant. I may even be saving my life or yours. Plus, how would I be able to ask someone else to say YES to donating their loved one's organs if we had not said yes ourselves?
P.S. Bryce has recovered from his injuries but our whole family is still dealing with the loss of a wonderful young man. I am so very thankful for Bryce and his sister Tricia every day.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Normal Liver
My Prograf level is 7.6 (normal is 5-10) and my immune level is 273 (I need to infuse around 70), Which is I can still going for another 2 months. The nurse called and said "All normal and you can go for holiday!"...I thank the Lord for it. I really do. As a believer I pray ...
Dear God,
Thank you so much for let this liver stay with me. Thank you for let this medicine work in me. Thank you for this wonderful 2 year with Shan and Robins. Lord, I pray that please have mercy on all of the cancer patients and donor families. I believe in you and trust in you.
In Christ name, Amen.
On 30th Oct 2008, I have been living with this new liver for exactly 2 year also on that day somebody lost their love one, my liver boy. I haven't meet the family yet and this is my will, I wish I could give a hug to the parent and say, "thank you for the very consider presents". I did sent 2 letters to the family but no reply yet. The liver transplant team explained to me that some take much longer than other. In this Christmas, I will send a nother letter.
When my day come, I believe and very much looking for that I will give a hug to my liver boy and will say to him.. "Thank you son!" at right in front of my Holy God.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Photos-Hill tribes from Burma
I really do not like people use F@#$ that f@#$ that all the time. Well, somebody mouth I can't do nothing for that. OK may I call these some of AIG Execs, they are Ass@#$ or still Ass@#$%ing. Look at the article, I bet some of you already knew by now.
Here they were heading to resort and spa, using my money and your money, after bail out. What a sicko people. I think the size of their brain must be smaller than their testicles. How could they do that? Ethical human being won't do such thing. That's why I said "someone must check the numbers of all these idiots companies saying ...what ever!" ( We, me and my husband just talking about that a week ago)...I really wanted to know, Who's idea is that, "wow....let's go celebrate?" ha?
The Congressman Waxman said "disturbing"...But in my shan language, also to avoid this kind of problems again, "They deserve to cut off their balls."... ( I love to see Michael Moors do the documentary on this story, he is good at mocking, he is a mocker!!).
Well ...enough!
After Bailout, AIG Execs Head to California Resort
Tuesday 07 October 2008
by: Brian Ross and Tom Shine, ABC News
Shortly after the US government commited $85 billion to bail out AIG, company executives went for a week-long retreat at St. Regis Resort, Monarch Beach, California. (Photo:
Rescued by taxpayers, $440,000 for retreat including "pedicures, manicures."
Less than a week after the federal government committed $85 billion to bail out AIG, executives of the giant AIG insurance company headed for a week-long retreat at a luxury resort and spa, the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California, Congressional investigators revealed today.
"Rooms at this resort can cost over $1,000 a night," Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) said this morning as his committee continued its investigation of Wall Street and its CEOs.
AIG documents obtained by Waxman's investigators show the company paid more than $440,000 for the retreat, including nearly $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals and $23,000 in spa charges.
"Their getting their pedicures and their manicures and the American people are paying for that," said Cong. Elijah Cummings (D-MD).
"This unbridled greed," said Cong. Mark Souder (R-IN), "it's an insensitivity to how people are spending our dollars."
Appearing before the committee, Martin Sullivan, the AIG CEO until June, said the company was overwhelmed by a "financial global tsunami," and that "no simple or single cause" was to blame.
"I am heartbroken at what has happened," Sullivan said.
Robert Willumstad, the CEO from June to September, 2008, maintained AIG was a victim of a "crisis in confidence" and an "unprecedented global catastrophe." "Through the first week of September we were confident AIG could weather the crisis," Willumstad testified. He said the federal government offered its $85 million bail out on the afternoon it prepared for bankruptcy. Willumstad said the Federal Reserve demanded he resign, and will turn down his AIG retirement package of several million dollars.
But Congressional investigators raised question of "mismanagement" and whether AIG executives sought to "cook the books" and hide negative information from outside auditors.
On Dec. 5, 2007, Waxman said, CEO Sullivan told investors, "We are confident in our marks and the reasonableness of our valuation methods."
Documents obtained by the committee show that one week earlier, auditors Pricewaterhouse Cooper had "raise their concerns with Mr. Sullivan&informing him that PWC believed that AIG could have a material weakness relating to the risk management of these areas."
In March, 2008, the Office of Thrift Supervision wrote AIG, "We are concerned that the corporate oversight of AIG Financial Products&lacks critical elements of independence, transparency, and granularity."
Asked about the letter by the committee, the SEC's former chief accountant, Lynn Turner, said the letter reflects "a serious problem from the top down of management, that can bring an organization down."
Former AIG CEO Sullivan said accounting rules required AIG to mark down the value of its holdings, even though it had no plans to sell them, the "mark to market" provision.
AIG had to sell at "fire sale prices," he told skeptical members of Congress. "Suddenly a company with a trillion dollars in assets" was in trouble, said Sullivan.
Waxman questioned both former CEOs about a former AIG auditor who claimed he had been blocked from reviewing the books of a London-based division that has since been blamed for a large share of the company's downfall.
Former CEO Willumstad, chairman of the AIG board at the time, said "I honestly don't remember" the concerns raised by the former auditor.
"I find that very disturbing," said Congressman Waxman.
Waxman also said there is evidence the two men changed the bonus schedule once the company began to post losses, so that executives under the "Senior Partners Plan" would continue to make multi-million dollar salaries.
"Mr. Sullivan and the other top executives should have had their bonuses slashed due to poor performance," said Waxman.
Sullivan said it was "substantially reduced" by the board in 2007 due to poor performance.
Sullivan was given a $15 million "golden parachute" payment after being replaced as CEO in June.