Friday, December 11, 2009

News make me say................

1. The new is "our President Obama received Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo yesterday!"

I say: I watch the new, some parts but not all of it. Obama said, "I am a black African American" in his speech, AGAIN!! Every time he said, "I am black", this make me piss off. Does he knows that he is not fully black!! Why he really do not want to recognize his white side often as he did to his black side. Why he has to be 100% black which is not. He shouldn't say nothing as he is not black or White, he is just browned man!!

Looking back into the Nobel Peace Prize history..... The Nobel Peace Prize goes to Aung Sung Suu Kyi, Mandela, Gandhi or ta ta ta ta but to Obama, Hummmmm?? I said that because 1. He is a Chief Commander of 2 wars. 2. He has done nothing peace yet on top of that he just sent 30,000 troops to the war zone.

The most funny part is...... Obama, the one who win for the Peace Prize Winner sure is talking alot of war on his speech!! Ha ha ha ha and I would say like someone said, the most Americans, including me, I also thought the Nobel Committee has lost their brains!! Well every one entitle to express what you feel don't you. Too bad if you are not agreeing with me.

2. The new on "Tiger Woods' alleged porn star lover advertise as Escort, acted on "Wonder Years"

I say: The porn star Holly Sampson said she slept with Tiger Woods at his bachelor party five year ago. If this is true....1. To begin with , this woman has no class which she doesn't has it. 2. Who care she slept with Tiger (which I am not so sure on this), on the bachelor night or how many men on the way as she is porn star but she is the one kissed and tell. So low that she even mention that how much she got from Tiger. 3. Obviously she is one of those wanted to say, "I knew Tiger Wood" and for one occasion which might not be true. Unkind to say, she is looking for a quick buck on TV interview???

The sad part is....If this new is true, Tiger shouldn't do that after engaged with someone he said he is going to be with the rest of his life. Well Some men do lie???

3. New said., "Surprise, Surprise, Many Scientists Disagree On Global Warming"

I say: Since in the beginning Al Gore never impress me on his Global Warming plan at all. Well... I remembered him as "How he kissed his wife in the public" only, don't you think so too??? The image of how he loves his wife but I will say, nothing wrong with to kissed his wife passionately in front of us. For me he is a real funny ga ga ga ga man on GW.

He is a man who lost the President race and so unhappy with it. May be nothing to do for a big job any more beside goes around with Saturday Night Lives show and talking about Polar Bears. If this is make him happy let him be but on Global Warming is too much???

I just read about the "Carbon dioxide". It is not only Negative to our world and there are some positive results too. Again, the Creation is perfect!! For me Science rely on Creation and can't live without Cration. Here are some facts of Carbon Dioxide which give us positive works......

"Many articles have been written about the negative effects of carbon dioxide. Sick Building Syndrome, loss of concentration due to high levels of carbon dioxide, asphyxiation in breweries or wine cellars, all these things spring to mind when we hear the magic phrase carbon dioxide. Yet, perhaps today (2005) when Venus passes across the face of the Sun, we should remember that our original atmosphere consisted of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Free oxygen is something that is not really chemically possible. Yet we have it as a result of plant life busily photosynthesising and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen during daylight hours. This is the original use of solar energy!"

"Plants require carbon dioxide to grow and why not help them by increasing the level of carbon dioxide? Normally, this is something that is undesirable, since carbon dioxide is the original greenhouse gas, as our neighbouring planet Venus can testify. But in a controlled, genuine greenhouse environment, there is no real reason why the level of carbon dioxide should not be enhanced in some way.

To Al Gore: Dare to tell me that I can not FART freely anymore!!

4. From my Blackberry news from under "living" of CNN, new said, Beware cheaters: Your lover's spouse can sue you by Wayne Drash, CNN!

I say: Drash write, "They're known as "alienation of affection" suits, when and "outsider" interferes in a marriage. The suits are allowed in seven states:Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota and Utah."

Drash also said, " A broken-hearted hubby could go after his wife's lover.. not with a gun, but with the law."

Let me tell you, Florida is not in the list yet but dare to cheat in our sunshine state. Yes..... there is a good chance you will lost most of your material that you save the rest of your life. My question is..

Can Tiger Woods's wife can sue the women who freely admitted that have affair with her husband as "Alienation"?????

The problem is how rich these women are? Worth to use them??

Wow Wow Wow...What a world we are living in!!!

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