NOTE: Correct me if I am wrong on my saying in this blog!
I am not interesting to talk about current situation of Israel.
When God told Moses "to lead the Israeli to the Promise Land which will be full of Milk and Honey", Moses did it! When God said to Moses that you will see the Promise Land but you won't step on the Land", Moses did not complain, even not ask "why???" Joshua was the one entered the Promised Land with Israeli.
When God told Moses "to lead the Israeli to the Promise Land which will be full of Milk and Honey", Moses did it! When God said to Moses that you will see the Promise Land but you won't step on the Land", Moses did not complain, even not ask "why???" Joshua was the one entered the Promised Land with Israeli.
November 6th 2007, I landed in Tel Avis. Here I know exactly the day that I set my feet on the Holy Land. I do not know exactly when Moses was peeping the Holy Land. Well I know very little..was BC . There are some countries that I like but when I saw Israel, beyond likeness I had so much feeling and so many thinking.
Israel is a country most of it desert with not so much tree. Near Dead Sea the land scape is beautiful with very little palm trees (Actually I can count it). Seeing the soil it is very difficult to grown any plants to eat. Israel did not have much greener place mostly with dry rocky soil. Well.... there is not even fish to survive in the Dead Sea water because it is so salty!
Here let me or may I put "me" to "Our Mose's" place. As my attitude, as my big and fast mouth this will be my conversation with my God..... "Will be full of Milk and Honey??", and knowing me, as a whimper I will continue, "Dear God, I have not seen a cow nor bees..even not trees just rock. I am not sure God that I want to stay there!" See using only my brain and it is very bad. Moreover I might saying..."It's hared to make a living from the soil that I am seeing God! too many rocks!"
Touring around Israel for 6 nights and 7 days...there is plenty of food! I ate the best goat meat! veal?? Plenty of Vegetable, plenty of bakeries, and plenty of fish in the Sea of Galilee (I ate very good fried fish not very far from the sea!).....Yes there is plenty of Milk and Honey!!
I know the Israel people are choosing people but special people (in God's eyes), that I do not know. One thing I know that "God loves equal to all his children." God will taking care of his children who obey him!! How? ? Do not ask me, I do not know but I have faith!!
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