Lately when I wake up I did not say "Good morning" to my husband. The question is....Why not? The Answer is.... Because he even can't give me a proper regular "Good morning kiss" to me any more. He Rush to the office, rush to the coffee, rush to the car, rush to eat and rush to just about everything. Now I am starting to think what he is rushing for!
This is what I say to Robins in different morning,
-"Look, don't you dare to cheat me."
-"You behave!! I will hire the private detective to follow you." (Cheap in Bangkok but they do the good job too)
-"You have mistress??"
-"Are you testing your ability?"
-"I need to see the financial report each month."
-Bla bla bla
NOTE: To my knowledge Robins hasn't cheat to me. In 19 years marrying and living with him, he is still acting well. Back home by 6 pm evey days to be with us except when he goes to all over the world which is often. So should I say NOT YET!!!
The reason I bring up about "Cheating" is........,
Way back when I just arrived to Thailand I went back to school to become a Gemologist!! We had 15 people from all over the world.
Madeline (not her real name), is from France and she was my diamond classmate. She had been married to her husband for 25 years (??) and went all over the world as he is working for the French Government. To make the story short, when he got posted in Thailand and right after one year he cheated on her with a young Thai girls. Not once but twice!! She kicked him out.
Latest news is... he is living in Thailand with his young wife by the religion married ceremony only even his divorce paper is not reach in the final stage yet. He is not young but an old fart!! I give him 2 years and he will end up deep @#$% or sleepless in Thailand.
Now back to my expat wives party last week. (see my last blog)
In our table, I did not know how the conversation started but suddenly the well know CEO's wife was talking to the XXX Director's wife (who just arrived to Bangkok 2 weeks), that not to leave her husband alone in Thailand! The CEO's wife has the reason to say though.
The CEO's wife said, " You know one of my friends's husband divorced his wife after many many years for the girl who is younger than his own daughter. My friend is so nice being as his good wife, as a good mother. She is simple and why my friend deserved this..."
I think the man is around 60 an old fart! I give him 2 years too. He will be broke and misery till he leaves this world.
Then last week I went to my son school for parent morning coffee meeting. There's a lady she is from Argentina. She was telling that her friend's husband left her for another young Thai girl. He is late 50 and for me another old fart! I give him 2 years also. he will be very regret when his sex life die down.
If I blog about how many men end up cheating their wives, there will be next 15 blogs more to finish cheating stories in Thailand. Oh yeah I know it is happen all over the world but what I want to say is.... what is going on and on in Thailand.
Deep thought.....
I have some questions...
1. A man wants to cheat, he will be cheating anywhere right? It is up to individual or not?
2. The fashion in Thailand?
3. These men are back in their own country they are just nobody and they feel somebody in Thailand??
4. Back home they are mostly Blue Collars and here in Thailand they thought they are Superiors?
5. Being so old fart that can't help their own old age and just behaving real bad!!
All these questions are base on the "Old fart men and young girls" stories!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Yesterday I was in the Church! Sunday is my worshipping day because I have appointment with God. I like to keep my appointment!!!
This is what I believe......
God gives me 7 days in a week! From these 7 days, I always keep my appointment with my Lord Jesus Christ on SUNDAY unless I can't move. I have lots of time for what ever I need to do on the rest of 6 days but on Sunday I do need to let my God knows that what is on my prayer list. I know God can help in thy time and thy date. I have been enjoy having conversation with my God.
In Good time or Bad time, God is always Good!!
This week I watched 2 movies.... "Being Julia" and "Sylvia". Oh big mistake...... both movie make me so depress. "Being Julia" is fun with depress but Sylvia is sad and depress!!
Being Julia......
The woman, Julia has affair with almost the age of her son even she has quit nice husband. She is famous, she has money, she is good at what she is doing but not happy after her toy boy dumped her for the younger woman. The movie end with she showed every one that she is still in control.
She met her future husband when she was in collage. They married, had a short time of happiness. She become well know poet writer. The husband cheated with her married friend. Mean time she fall into depression (Which made me so depress just watching her in the movie too), so bad and so bad that she end up killing herself. Sad movie!
Co accident or reality, I don't know but lately I got news that old men are cheating on their wives.
Last week went to the party. Full of expat wives. I was sitting next to the XX company CEO's wife. Next to her Japanese, next to her new arrival Chevron Director's wife next to her was sitting Mexican woman, next to her was a housewife, then wine distributor and ME, the shrimp farmer wife!!
To be continued please see tomorrow blog! Cheating Part 2!
This is what I believe......
God gives me 7 days in a week! From these 7 days, I always keep my appointment with my Lord Jesus Christ on SUNDAY unless I can't move. I have lots of time for what ever I need to do on the rest of 6 days but on Sunday I do need to let my God knows that what is on my prayer list. I know God can help in thy time and thy date. I have been enjoy having conversation with my God.
In Good time or Bad time, God is always Good!!
This week I watched 2 movies.... "Being Julia" and "Sylvia". Oh big mistake...... both movie make me so depress. "Being Julia" is fun with depress but Sylvia is sad and depress!!
Being Julia......
The woman, Julia has affair with almost the age of her son even she has quit nice husband. She is famous, she has money, she is good at what she is doing but not happy after her toy boy dumped her for the younger woman. The movie end with she showed every one that she is still in control.
She met her future husband when she was in collage. They married, had a short time of happiness. She become well know poet writer. The husband cheated with her married friend. Mean time she fall into depression (Which made me so depress just watching her in the movie too), so bad and so bad that she end up killing herself. Sad movie!
Co accident or reality, I don't know but lately I got news that old men are cheating on their wives.
Last week went to the party. Full of expat wives. I was sitting next to the XX company CEO's wife. Next to her Japanese, next to her new arrival Chevron Director's wife next to her was sitting Mexican woman, next to her was a housewife, then wine distributor and ME, the shrimp farmer wife!!
To be continued please see tomorrow blog! Cheating Part 2!
Friday, September 24, 2010
About Gem and About Cancer!
Last week was a busy week actually busy with Gems and jewellery!
Eight years ago, I attended GIA (Gemology Institute of America), to get my Diamond, Designer Class and Colour Stone Diplomas. Then I went to attend the full 2 years courses at the AIGS (Asian Institutes of Gemology Science) and got my Gemologist Degree.
I got my BSc (Biology), way back my university years but do not like it much. Never use Biology to get my job either but after touching, smelling, arranging and playing the gem, I fall in love with all of them. Bangkok is the gem trading city so here I am in the right place don't I?
Last week I got some orders. 2 necklaces and 10 rings!! That's why I did not have much time to blog. Last year was a good year and this year is not bad at all.
Now about cancer....
Yesterday I went to my son's school for parents coffee morning. I have a Thai friend, her son is my son's classmate. Lets call her, Dee!! She is beautiful and has this classic Thai looks. She married to a Kuwait Pilots who she met when she was working as a air stewardess. She is thin, she looks healthy. I know her since I arrived to Thailand through the school. Any school activities she is there.
Yesterday at school meeting I noticed that she was not there. So I asked one of the parents who knows her also. I asked, "Where is Dee? " And she said, "She is sick. Do you know she has breast cancer?" I felt like a train hit me again. I was so shocked!!
Her husband was diagnosis with colon cancer two years ago. How could this happened to such a young couple..... 2 cancers in 3 years??? I am very very sad for the new. Their son is same age as my son, 15! How this boy will think about life? Even time to time I still thinking.., "The cancer took my mother and my sister both lives in such a young age!"
I learn one thing...Life you never know! Also Cancer.... you never knows who, when, how it going to attack.
When caner hitted me 5 years ago I smiply pray...."Dear God, please help me." Now today pray with me this...
"Dear God, Please help Dee and her family. In Christ name, Aman."
"I Cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me."
Jonah 2:2
Eight years ago, I attended GIA (Gemology Institute of America), to get my Diamond, Designer Class and Colour Stone Diplomas. Then I went to attend the full 2 years courses at the AIGS (Asian Institutes of Gemology Science) and got my Gemologist Degree.
I got my BSc (Biology), way back my university years but do not like it much. Never use Biology to get my job either but after touching, smelling, arranging and playing the gem, I fall in love with all of them. Bangkok is the gem trading city so here I am in the right place don't I?
Last week I got some orders. 2 necklaces and 10 rings!! That's why I did not have much time to blog. Last year was a good year and this year is not bad at all.
Now about cancer....
Yesterday I went to my son's school for parents coffee morning. I have a Thai friend, her son is my son's classmate. Lets call her, Dee!! She is beautiful and has this classic Thai looks. She married to a Kuwait Pilots who she met when she was working as a air stewardess. She is thin, she looks healthy. I know her since I arrived to Thailand through the school. Any school activities she is there.
Yesterday at school meeting I noticed that she was not there. So I asked one of the parents who knows her also. I asked, "Where is Dee? " And she said, "She is sick. Do you know she has breast cancer?" I felt like a train hit me again. I was so shocked!!
Her husband was diagnosis with colon cancer two years ago. How could this happened to such a young couple..... 2 cancers in 3 years??? I am very very sad for the new. Their son is same age as my son, 15! How this boy will think about life? Even time to time I still thinking.., "The cancer took my mother and my sister both lives in such a young age!"
I learn one thing...Life you never know! Also Cancer.... you never knows who, when, how it going to attack.
When caner hitted me 5 years ago I smiply pray...."Dear God, please help me." Now today pray with me this...
"Dear God, Please help Dee and her family. In Christ name, Aman."
"I Cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me."
Jonah 2:2
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The following is from my morning news reading. Since living in Bangkok I would say it is very interesting. Said, Bangkok will be under the water in 7 years!!!
I better talk to Robins about this when he comes back from the farm this afternoon. I think if Bangkok is under the water within 7 years for sure Rangoon will be too.
My question is... how he figure it out the number of 7??? Why not 6 or 8 or what ever???
I think I better keep a plastic rafter boat on my balcony for a safe side?? Well I will worry about this much much later as he said 7 years. Now I am going to play tennis.
I will end with this.....
"Yes they can predicted but no one know future exactly except our all mighty God who I trust and pray. Jesus said, I am the truth, the light and the way!!!!"
Have a good reading.
"THE CAPITALBangkok may be uninhabitable in seven years
By Varataya Chailangka
The Nation
Dr Ajong Chumsai na Ayudhya, a Thai scientist who has worked with the US space agency Nasa in the past, said yesterday that the areas around the Gulf of Thailand would be hit by tsunamis and that Bangkok would be under water in less than seven years.At a seminar yesterday about the impact of global warming on Chiang Mai residents, Ajong said humans were mainly to blame for such disasters because they were using up natural resources, chopping down forests and kept emitting greenhouse gases with no regard for the future.
The United States is the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide at 30.2 per cent, followed by China at 30 per cent and India at 23 per cent, he said. Thailand was at rank 22 or 23 out of the 200 biggest emitters of CO2 in the world. With the current CO2 emission rate standing at 395 parts per million (ppm) from the previous 300ppm, he warned that greenhouse gases would increase and bring about inevitable changes.
Ajong explained that over the past three decades the temperature has risen, with warmer seas killing coral reefs, glaciers melting, storms becoming stronger and earthquakes being of greater magnitude.
Warning that temperatures would rise by approximately 4 degrees Celsius, Ajong said polar bears would be extinct in less than 10 years and the seas would rise by six metres.
So far there have been two significant changes to the Earth.
Firstly, the planet's axis has shifted, changing weather patterns, and secondly, the Earth's crust has displaced, causing more frequent and more severe earthquakes and tsunami disasters.
Thailand, which is located on the Eurasian Plate, will be affected, Ajong warned, adding that the Gulf of Thailand would be hit by tsunamis and affect the South very badly.
Earthquakes within the 6-Richter scale and severe flooding would hit provinces in the North, such as Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan, Lampang and Uttaradit, he said.
The Central region, namely Bangkok, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram, Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi and Ayutthaya, would be under seawater, he said, adding that the capital would be uninhabitable in seven years."
I better talk to Robins about this when he comes back from the farm this afternoon. I think if Bangkok is under the water within 7 years for sure Rangoon will be too.
My question is... how he figure it out the number of 7??? Why not 6 or 8 or what ever???
I think I better keep a plastic rafter boat on my balcony for a safe side?? Well I will worry about this much much later as he said 7 years. Now I am going to play tennis.
I will end with this.....
"Yes they can predicted but no one know future exactly except our all mighty God who I trust and pray. Jesus said, I am the truth, the light and the way!!!!"
Have a good reading.
"THE CAPITALBangkok may be uninhabitable in seven years
By Varataya Chailangka
The Nation
Dr Ajong Chumsai na Ayudhya, a Thai scientist who has worked with the US space agency Nasa in the past, said yesterday that the areas around the Gulf of Thailand would be hit by tsunamis and that Bangkok would be under water in less than seven years.At a seminar yesterday about the impact of global warming on Chiang Mai residents, Ajong said humans were mainly to blame for such disasters because they were using up natural resources, chopping down forests and kept emitting greenhouse gases with no regard for the future.
The United States is the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide at 30.2 per cent, followed by China at 30 per cent and India at 23 per cent, he said. Thailand was at rank 22 or 23 out of the 200 biggest emitters of CO2 in the world. With the current CO2 emission rate standing at 395 parts per million (ppm) from the previous 300ppm, he warned that greenhouse gases would increase and bring about inevitable changes.
Ajong explained that over the past three decades the temperature has risen, with warmer seas killing coral reefs, glaciers melting, storms becoming stronger and earthquakes being of greater magnitude.
Warning that temperatures would rise by approximately 4 degrees Celsius, Ajong said polar bears would be extinct in less than 10 years and the seas would rise by six metres.
So far there have been two significant changes to the Earth.
Firstly, the planet's axis has shifted, changing weather patterns, and secondly, the Earth's crust has displaced, causing more frequent and more severe earthquakes and tsunami disasters.
Thailand, which is located on the Eurasian Plate, will be affected, Ajong warned, adding that the Gulf of Thailand would be hit by tsunamis and affect the South very badly.
Earthquakes within the 6-Richter scale and severe flooding would hit provinces in the North, such as Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan, Lampang and Uttaradit, he said.
The Central region, namely Bangkok, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram, Samut Prakan, Nonthaburi and Ayutthaya, would be under seawater, he said, adding that the capital would be uninhabitable in seven years."
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Me and My Lovers

I broke up with my second lover. I did not know who he is, it was just a one night stand and our chemistry spark off but never call him again. he likes water and I hate to swim!! Oh by the way he had this very bad smell or odor!! I hate his arm pit's smell.

I love my third lover but not very much! He did not support me very well either. He also did not want me to see with him in the public. Oh by the way later I found out he had many girl friends! He is huge though!!
Now you know why I married to my husband Robins!!!
PS: My friend who is an animal lover sent me all these animal photos! I look at it and I like it too. I used the photos, combine with my imagination. So this blog was born!!!
Good to read
More people surviving cancer, StatsCan saysToronto StarMore Canadians are surviving cancer and for some cancers, the improvement is remarkable, Statistics Canada reported Wednesday. For liver cancer ...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hepatites B
New National Campaign Launched to Raise Awareness of Hepatitis B, Leading ...PR Newswire (press release)As the world's leading cause of liver cancer, HBV is second only to tobacco among known human carcinogens. Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent ...See all stories on this topic »
Helen Said: My cancer also came from Hepatitis B. After 4 years of living with New Liver and taking virus pills for 4 years, now blood test did not show any virus for 4 years too.
Hepsera is the pills that I am per day!!
I just finished my aerobic and noon time I am heading to a meeting. An US visiting doctor is going to talk about stem cell. I might not understand all but my friend will explain to me more.
OK got to go!!
Helen Said: My cancer also came from Hepatitis B. After 4 years of living with New Liver and taking virus pills for 4 years, now blood test did not show any virus for 4 years too.
Hepsera is the pills that I am per day!!
I just finished my aerobic and noon time I am heading to a meeting. An US visiting doctor is going to talk about stem cell. I might not understand all but my friend will explain to me more.
OK got to go!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sue in God's Name
I was reading this morning. I haven't watch news on TV lately. I will read the news from my BBerry in my car or in my bed or sometime when I am sitting on my toilet bowl!! Sorry... do I need to say, "my toilet bowl???"
From today new here is one of the headline news which is make me do the thinking.
It said; "Parent Sue Catholic School Over Vaccines"
" A New York couple is suing a Catholic high school for refusing to grant religious exemption that would allow their 14-year old son to enroll in ninth grade without state required vaccinations, claiming immunization are a "Violation of God's supreme authority."
Helen said:" What is wrong in our world today???? Seen to me people like to use God's name in every where just to suit own desire.
Why can't this NY couple just say.."We don't believe in vaccine!" Period and Stop there. Do they know that there are some rules and regulation in every school (actually from both public and private schools), in USA and need the vaccination for a damn good reasons???"
OK My thinking is this! Who the hell they think they are?? If they can't follow the rules and regulations of the school , why can't they home schooling their boy? Oh my ass, for suing the school is seen to me just a waste of their time and bothersome to school too. Oop I did it again.... Do I need to say my ass here??? Also I am thinking very hard that what kind of lawyers are presenting this idiot couple's ...what ever says their thought?? Idea?? Time to time I wonder how many ethical Layers in USA?
I will tell you more later about God's Supreme Authority and the Medicine world. I should say what I believe in though.
News said;"Andrea and Pual Polydor of Garden City, believe human boides "should not be defiled by vaccines," according to a complaint filed in Nassau County Court against Kellenberg Memorial High School in Uniondale."
Helen Said: I do not know for sure what kind of religion this NY couple believe in but a real Christian (majority of good Christian), knows when to shut the mouth and where to stop too. I believe in God creation and blessing on every things including on Fire fighters, Doctors, Scientists, Teachers, Preachers, Pastors, You and Me. God did not creates "Robots" but an image with brain and with own free will. You know why??? Because they all have a set of brain that God gives to all of us to think, to feel, to see, to talk and to do... of course in correctly. If you do not know how to act correctly then there is a book call "Holy Bible". It will guide you!!! Clearly!!!
I am thankful for my brain, I really do. I know sometime my brain not working well either but I am not going to sue around knowing how stupid to sue in the wrong way. Oh yes please for sure to sue if your spouse threatening to kill you! In this case better do it quickly!
I understand that with these brains we made the decisions such as..., we believe in vaccines or not, we believe in 3 wives or 1 wife, kill or not kill, good or bad, to drink or not to drink, to smoke or not to smoke, to go to the Church or not to go to the Church, list go on..........
I respect this NY couple being do not to believe in vaccine but I hate and not respect to them seeing they SUE the school from their owns thought which they think the best of every one's.
Bible never said to us.... do not take the vaccine or do not go to the Doctors! Never!
For me yes....Christ is the best doctor above of all. He is a healer and saviour. As you all know I got cancer in liver. I am here still talking because of God's mercy. I do my part such as seeing doctors, got the liver transplant, taking the medicine, doing the lab works every 3 months and taking care of my liver and...... I must take the VACCINE. Thank you God for blessing us with VACCINE. Beside all these.. yes I do pray every nights to God, begging "Mercy and Miracle". Asking God to make my medicine work well in my body. Why??? Because I know Christ can help me.
News said: The parent said, " (We) are all created in God's image," reads a letter the Polydors sent to the school on Feb. 13, according to the lawsuit. "There fore, we must not defile our blood and our bodies with diseases and other impure substances. AS the divine Architect, God designed our bodies to have immune systems that must not be defiled by Vaccines. Immunizations are a violation of God's supreme authority, and therefore, unholy. Since immunizations are unholy they violate my religious beliefs."
Helen said: I agree with what they said, we all are created in God's image but I am 100 % did not agree with Immunization are violations of God's supreme. Why I said that? Because the Immunizations are blessing to us. Looking the record Vaccine do good more than bad. One question...... If.... If, there is a Vaccine to prevent all kind of cancers would you take it for you or for your children?? For me I will!
If I have Hepatitis B vaccine the day I was born, I will not face this Liver Cancer!! The Vaccine will prevent it happen.
News said: "The Polydors also claim that using vaccines would show a "Lack of faith in God, and his perfectly designed immune system" according to the lawsuit."
Helen said: Trust me, Taking vaccines woun't put you lack of faith in God. I have one question to the Plydors. If I believe the way they are saying I will ask this to them. Do you have car? For sure they might have one car. I want to ask them , "Why do you buy the Car?? God give you a pair of legs right? Use your legs and go do the walking. You do not need car!"
Driving car, taking Vaccine is not lack of faith!!!
I do believe in God and I do believe in God's blessing.
At last I want to share you this. This is what I believe. If you are sick I mean very sick, there are doctors who can help you. Please pray in faith because there is our Lord Christ who can blessing with
healing power in God's ways.
God blesses us with different doctors. God blesses us with wonderful treatment through God's wonderful tools calls...doctors, nurse, medicine, hospital!
God blesses us with different medicine. In US we have Walgreen, CVS pharmacise. You can get all kind of medicine. Just go get your medicine and say "Thank you Lord for the Medicine!"
-God gives doctors to us but won't ask you do you need a doctor? In the Bible said, "God does not want you to be a lazy humen!"
-God gives us pharmacies but won't be your driver to drive you to the Walgreen or CVS.
-God provide us Vaccines not only one vaccine but more than one but he won't order you "Go Get It!". To take it not to take it is depend on you. Just please do not go sue the school in the name of God. It make you look so stupid too.
I am sure God do not wants us to SUE in the holy name!!
Dear God, I thank you so much for the Vaccines!!
PS: If the Polydor's boy has egg allergy or can't take the Vaccine which is order by the doctor then I will understand on what they are suing for but should be talking to the school before jumping to sue.
From today new here is one of the headline news which is make me do the thinking.
It said; "Parent Sue Catholic School Over Vaccines"
" A New York couple is suing a Catholic high school for refusing to grant religious exemption that would allow their 14-year old son to enroll in ninth grade without state required vaccinations, claiming immunization are a "Violation of God's supreme authority."
Helen said:" What is wrong in our world today???? Seen to me people like to use God's name in every where just to suit own desire.
Why can't this NY couple just say.."We don't believe in vaccine!" Period and Stop there. Do they know that there are some rules and regulation in every school (actually from both public and private schools), in USA and need the vaccination for a damn good reasons???"
OK My thinking is this! Who the hell they think they are?? If they can't follow the rules and regulations of the school , why can't they home schooling their boy? Oh my ass, for suing the school is seen to me just a waste of their time and bothersome to school too. Oop I did it again.... Do I need to say my ass here??? Also I am thinking very hard that what kind of lawyers are presenting this idiot couple's ...what ever says their thought?? Idea?? Time to time I wonder how many ethical Layers in USA?
I will tell you more later about God's Supreme Authority and the Medicine world. I should say what I believe in though.
News said;"Andrea and Pual Polydor of Garden City, believe human boides "should not be defiled by vaccines," according to a complaint filed in Nassau County Court against Kellenberg Memorial High School in Uniondale."
Helen Said: I do not know for sure what kind of religion this NY couple believe in but a real Christian (majority of good Christian), knows when to shut the mouth and where to stop too. I believe in God creation and blessing on every things including on Fire fighters, Doctors, Scientists, Teachers, Preachers, Pastors, You and Me. God did not creates "Robots" but an image with brain and with own free will. You know why??? Because they all have a set of brain that God gives to all of us to think, to feel, to see, to talk and to do... of course in correctly. If you do not know how to act correctly then there is a book call "Holy Bible". It will guide you!!! Clearly!!!
I am thankful for my brain, I really do. I know sometime my brain not working well either but I am not going to sue around knowing how stupid to sue in the wrong way. Oh yes please for sure to sue if your spouse threatening to kill you! In this case better do it quickly!
I understand that with these brains we made the decisions such as..., we believe in vaccines or not, we believe in 3 wives or 1 wife, kill or not kill, good or bad, to drink or not to drink, to smoke or not to smoke, to go to the Church or not to go to the Church, list go on..........
I respect this NY couple being do not to believe in vaccine but I hate and not respect to them seeing they SUE the school from their owns thought which they think the best of every one's.
Bible never said to us.... do not take the vaccine or do not go to the Doctors! Never!
For me yes....Christ is the best doctor above of all. He is a healer and saviour. As you all know I got cancer in liver. I am here still talking because of God's mercy. I do my part such as seeing doctors, got the liver transplant, taking the medicine, doing the lab works every 3 months and taking care of my liver and...... I must take the VACCINE. Thank you God for blessing us with VACCINE. Beside all these.. yes I do pray every nights to God, begging "Mercy and Miracle". Asking God to make my medicine work well in my body. Why??? Because I know Christ can help me.
News said: The parent said, " (We) are all created in God's image," reads a letter the Polydors sent to the school on Feb. 13, according to the lawsuit. "There fore, we must not defile our blood and our bodies with diseases and other impure substances. AS the divine Architect, God designed our bodies to have immune systems that must not be defiled by Vaccines. Immunizations are a violation of God's supreme authority, and therefore, unholy. Since immunizations are unholy they violate my religious beliefs."
Helen said: I agree with what they said, we all are created in God's image but I am 100 % did not agree with Immunization are violations of God's supreme. Why I said that? Because the Immunizations are blessing to us. Looking the record Vaccine do good more than bad. One question...... If.... If, there is a Vaccine to prevent all kind of cancers would you take it for you or for your children?? For me I will!
If I have Hepatitis B vaccine the day I was born, I will not face this Liver Cancer!! The Vaccine will prevent it happen.
News said: "The Polydors also claim that using vaccines would show a "Lack of faith in God, and his perfectly designed immune system" according to the lawsuit."
Helen said: Trust me, Taking vaccines woun't put you lack of faith in God. I have one question to the Plydors. If I believe the way they are saying I will ask this to them. Do you have car? For sure they might have one car. I want to ask them , "Why do you buy the Car?? God give you a pair of legs right? Use your legs and go do the walking. You do not need car!"
Driving car, taking Vaccine is not lack of faith!!!
I do believe in God and I do believe in God's blessing.
At last I want to share you this. This is what I believe. If you are sick I mean very sick, there are doctors who can help you. Please pray in faith because there is our Lord Christ who can blessing with
healing power in God's ways.
God blesses us with different doctors. God blesses us with wonderful treatment through God's wonderful tools calls...doctors, nurse, medicine, hospital!
God blesses us with different medicine. In US we have Walgreen, CVS pharmacise. You can get all kind of medicine. Just go get your medicine and say "Thank you Lord for the Medicine!"
-God gives doctors to us but won't ask you do you need a doctor? In the Bible said, "God does not want you to be a lazy humen!"
-God gives us pharmacies but won't be your driver to drive you to the Walgreen or CVS.
-God provide us Vaccines not only one vaccine but more than one but he won't order you "Go Get It!". To take it not to take it is depend on you. Just please do not go sue the school in the name of God. It make you look so stupid too.
I am sure God do not wants us to SUE in the holy name!!
Dear God, I thank you so much for the Vaccines!!
PS: If the Polydor's boy has egg allergy or can't take the Vaccine which is order by the doctor then I will understand on what they are suing for but should be talking to the school before jumping to sue.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Fat and Sex

Helen said: I think and think and think again that do I need to blog this one??? Then I said to myself, "Helen go ahead and blog it. You have nothing bad intention nor negative on Fat People so go ahead blog it and sleep well for not "Guilty".
I did!!
Remember once I did mention that in my life, I think I am going to learn more each day (differently), till I die.
I have twitter and I twit sometime. And sometime someone will twit some interesting articles..... like this one. Today I found Thai Visa twitter and said, "Fat Man and the Sex". I poke to read more and here is the article said....................,
"Fat men enjoy longer lasting sex scientific research show Read more:"
"FAT men last longer in bed, while lean gym jocks are prone to premature ejaculation, a new study has found.
The scientific research, from Erciyes University in Turkey, found that men with excess body fat develop more female sex hormones that influence their sexual performance.
Men with high fat levels were found to have higher levels of the female sex hormone oestradiol, which disrupts the chemical balance in their body, making them last longer during sex.
The survey’s results found fat men could last an average of 7.3 minutes during love making, while others only lasted 1.8 minutesRead more:
To find the results, researchers spent a year recoThey compared these results with 100 other male patients who lasted longer during sex.
Results concluded that the men needing treatment for premature ejaculation had lower BMI scores, meaning they were fitter.
"We found that premature ejaculators were leaner," the report stated.Read more:
After reading this I said I am going to see some fat men photos on google. I saw so many fat men came out on my computer screen. See the above photo which I share with you! For me they are not attractive. Now they can be as sweet as honey so do not put them in the ugly men category!
Actually the article was view on health!! I can't say or critic about this research is right or wrong because ..... I never sleep with fat man nor my husband is not fat at all.
One thing I wish, hope NOT this researcher use my tax money! My education level is not hight enough to think that what kind of benifit we get out of "The Fat and The Sex"
Have a good read and share some comments... please feel free!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
So piss off!
I was busy with my banking all day long yesterday and was facing so piss off situation with the bank which I never think about it will happen in my life.
Here is the history of yesterday..
We have been using this bank (do not want to mention the name of the Bank on my blog. If you want to know which bank???? you can call me!!), for almost 9 years since we have been to Bangkok.
There are 2 accounts we have in this Bank in Thailand. One is joint with my hubby and the other one is my jewellery business account.
We also have VIP card since Robins has very very comfortable amount in that bank.
Before Robins left, he said to me, "Babe, please take the VIP card and they will help you." I told him, "No, Why I have to take the VIP ? Do they know all the customers has equal treatment???" We both went on bla bla bla bla laaaaaaaaa!
Played Tennis without changing from the court I went straight to the Bank. The same bank at the mall which I know the manager very well and which I used it all the time to avoid many people. The teller said to me, "Khun Helen, the office here is small, the one you want to do is not available. So please go to this location!!" I have no idea what she was saying but do not want to question nor wait so I proceed to the other bank.
Arrived the big Bank and greeted by a lady who speak English good!
I said, "Hi, I would like to move this amount of money to this Bank in this country!'
She said, " OK, here the form, please fill up give me your passport and I will do the rest."
So happy thinking that well finally I am at the right place and right person.
I said, "Here all done!"
She said, "OK!"
She started to check everything what I wrote down then opened my US passport and said to me...........
She said, "Oh oh we have a problem. Your first name is OK because it is Helen, the last name is OK too as "McIntosh" but the middle name is the problem as, "Lay Shan"!"
I said, "What???" What are you talking about??"
She said, "I am sorry we can't move the money people who has Burmese names!"
I said, "Are you kidding me. Do you see my US passport! You know in USA we have thousand of names which can be Thai or Korean or Chinese name "Fuk Chow or Fuk Yu"! and I also knew that US put the law to Burmese people but I am not Burmese anymore. Seee my US passport!!!!!!"
She said, "Yes I understand but last time we had a big problem a man name"Mohammad Husein" with the US passport to send the money back home and the bank got a big interrogation!" "We have problem!!"
I said, "Oh please use your sense!! Now you have proplem with not only Burmese names but also others names ha???"
I am not making this event up pleaseeeeeeeeeeee trust me in this case. In that moment I was very piss because I was having a hard time to do my business and getting tired too. She knew I was getting irritated more and more!! I continued to her..........
I said, "OK I have been dealing with this bank since the day I arrived to Bangkok 9 years ago. We have 2 accouts in here you can check it. I also know this is not your fault but because of my middle name is in Burmese and you can't send the money... that doesn't explain enough. I need to send the money, MY MONEY not your bank money. Help me or I will move all my money to other bank!"
Them she was starting to make phone calls, said her boss. But I think she has not only one boss many be 3 bosses since she was calling 3 different people. Well remember I do understand Thai language, might not be all but good amount of "SOME". After 15 minutes here came the lady...
She said, "OK we think we can help you but we have to put a Thai name."
I said to her without a pause and said, "Oh my whatever? I do not have Thai name!!!!!"
She said, "Do you have any Thai friends."
I said, "I do have many Thai friends but I am not going to use their names. Point number one, this is my money and point number two the other end, the receiver will never know who sent this money to him/her!"
She went back to the door with my passport and came back and this is what she said to me,
She said, "I think we can help you! lets put your name only the first name and the last name so will be "Helen McIntosh!!!"
I said, "I am already here one hour and do it and I want to go home"
What a experience!!!!!! Being Burmese name stuck in the middle of two white names almost give me second class treatment.
I did not blog all what happening in the bank yesterday. I even had to call CP's secretary as the Bank said use her name but I said NO to the teller because as I said, the receiver will be confused. End up all OK just DROP the damn middle name.
Thank you America!! I love you for taking us even our names can be...
Fuk Chow, Layshan, Maleeni, Gonzales, Mohammad, Magarita, Azok Khan, Queen Latifa, A Tong, Munsuk, Sukuma, A woo or Fuk Yu!!!!!
PS. I just wanted to share what happened to me yesterday and beside that I have no ill reasons to anyone.
Here is the history of yesterday..
We have been using this bank (do not want to mention the name of the Bank on my blog. If you want to know which bank???? you can call me!!), for almost 9 years since we have been to Bangkok.
There are 2 accounts we have in this Bank in Thailand. One is joint with my hubby and the other one is my jewellery business account.
We also have VIP card since Robins has very very comfortable amount in that bank.
Before Robins left, he said to me, "Babe, please take the VIP card and they will help you." I told him, "No, Why I have to take the VIP ? Do they know all the customers has equal treatment???" We both went on bla bla bla bla laaaaaaaaa!
Played Tennis without changing from the court I went straight to the Bank. The same bank at the mall which I know the manager very well and which I used it all the time to avoid many people. The teller said to me, "Khun Helen, the office here is small, the one you want to do is not available. So please go to this location!!" I have no idea what she was saying but do not want to question nor wait so I proceed to the other bank.
Arrived the big Bank and greeted by a lady who speak English good!
I said, "Hi, I would like to move this amount of money to this Bank in this country!'
She said, " OK, here the form, please fill up give me your passport and I will do the rest."
So happy thinking that well finally I am at the right place and right person.
I said, "Here all done!"
She said, "OK!"
She started to check everything what I wrote down then opened my US passport and said to me...........
She said, "Oh oh we have a problem. Your first name is OK because it is Helen, the last name is OK too as "McIntosh" but the middle name is the problem as, "Lay Shan"!"
I said, "What???" What are you talking about??"
She said, "I am sorry we can't move the money people who has Burmese names!"
I said, "Are you kidding me. Do you see my US passport! You know in USA we have thousand of names which can be Thai or Korean or Chinese name "Fuk Chow or Fuk Yu"! and I also knew that US put the law to Burmese people but I am not Burmese anymore. Seee my US passport!!!!!!"
She said, "Yes I understand but last time we had a big problem a man name"Mohammad Husein" with the US passport to send the money back home and the bank got a big interrogation!" "We have problem!!"
I said, "Oh please use your sense!! Now you have proplem with not only Burmese names but also others names ha???"
I am not making this event up pleaseeeeeeeeeeee trust me in this case. In that moment I was very piss because I was having a hard time to do my business and getting tired too. She knew I was getting irritated more and more!! I continued to her..........
I said, "OK I have been dealing with this bank since the day I arrived to Bangkok 9 years ago. We have 2 accouts in here you can check it. I also know this is not your fault but because of my middle name is in Burmese and you can't send the money... that doesn't explain enough. I need to send the money, MY MONEY not your bank money. Help me or I will move all my money to other bank!"
Them she was starting to make phone calls, said her boss. But I think she has not only one boss many be 3 bosses since she was calling 3 different people. Well remember I do understand Thai language, might not be all but good amount of "SOME". After 15 minutes here came the lady...
She said, "OK we think we can help you but we have to put a Thai name."
I said to her without a pause and said, "Oh my whatever? I do not have Thai name!!!!!"
She said, "Do you have any Thai friends."
I said, "I do have many Thai friends but I am not going to use their names. Point number one, this is my money and point number two the other end, the receiver will never know who sent this money to him/her!"
She went back to the door with my passport and came back and this is what she said to me,
She said, "I think we can help you! lets put your name only the first name and the last name so will be "Helen McIntosh!!!"
I said, "I am already here one hour and do it and I want to go home"
What a experience!!!!!! Being Burmese name stuck in the middle of two white names almost give me second class treatment.
I did not blog all what happening in the bank yesterday. I even had to call CP's secretary as the Bank said use her name but I said NO to the teller because as I said, the receiver will be confused. End up all OK just DROP the damn middle name.
Thank you America!! I love you for taking us even our names can be...
Fuk Chow, Layshan, Maleeni, Gonzales, Mohammad, Magarita, Azok Khan, Queen Latifa, A Tong, Munsuk, Sukuma, A woo or Fuk Yu!!!!!
PS. I just wanted to share what happened to me yesterday and beside that I have no ill reasons to anyone.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
We have lunch in the church almost every Sunday after main worshipping service. Kind of fellowship too. I can go eat anywhere I want but I do like to eat with our brothers and sisters on Sunday.
Khun Ping is the cook for our church and he has been working more than 15 years, may be even more 20 years. Today Khun Ping cooked noodle soup, fry rice, Chicken and salad. I like Khun Ping's ice tea.
Talking about noodle soup.... In every noodle shops in Bangkok, they always rinse the noodle before they pour the real soup over the noodle may be to get soft and better taste. I have seen it and notice it after living in Bangkok almost 9 years!!!!
So when Khun Ping served us Thai noodle today, I was teaching Jun as a noodle expert saying to him, "Jun, look you have to do like this, rinse the noodle to get a more good flavor..bla bla bla" .... and then suddenly a voice, I should say high voice next to me from a American woman, she said, "You can't do that because someone can allergy what ever you put into your noodle bowl." (Note: We have only one real soup pot in Church so I was rinsing noodle with real soup because it is clean to do so.)
So here was my responded to her immediately and said, "Oh I know that! look at it I did not put any thing except noodle and lettuce. There is no chili, no fish sauce, no nothing." But still she was very quick to get back to me and said, "Well lettuce can allergy to someone too."
She said, "Lettuce can cause allergy too." Believe me it was bothering me a lot on what she was saying to me. In my whole life I have never heard lettuce cause allergy but today.. at the Church!!!
I have this one good attitude, if there things that I am not very very sure I won't get into discussion simply..... because I am not sure. Get home google myself busy with my lettuce news!!
Yes lettuce does cause SOMETHING!! To get an allergy from lettuce you have to be a real bad gene. Now, this is what I understand more about lettuce allergy as the woman was talking about.
3 to 7 percent of Children and adult can cause allergy from food. Even that percentage, you have to make sure it is... Allergy OR Intolerance. See the following......
"Allergy. The term "allergy" comes from two Greek words, alos (other) and argon (action). If you are allergic to something, you have a reaction other than what you would expect. You don't expect to get hives when you eat a red tomato. That kind of a reaction would be an allergy. An allergy may manifest itself in various target organs, meaning sites where allergy signs occur. These are usually one or more of four places: the skin, the intestines, the respiratory passages, and the brain, i.e., (behavior changes).
Intolerance. The term food intolerance means that a food upsets your intestines, yet does not bother any other target organ. Food intolerances are usually due to an enzyme deficiency, (such as lactase deficiency), which causes lactose intolerance. Or, the intestines may be oversensitive to certain foods, resulting in abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and bloating. Intolerance is usually a reaction to the protein content of a food, yet you could be intolerant to any part of the food, including sugar and/or additives."
For me after reading some articles, I would say...
Lettuce is, "Intolerance" not "Allergy."
Here are 2 questions people ask often!
1. Can lettuce cause kidney stone?
The answer is NO! (from my reading)
2. Can lettuce cause stomach cramps?
Yes... to some people. Means...make you fart because
of forming the gas!!!
Have a good lettuce eating day!!!
Khun Ping is the cook for our church and he has been working more than 15 years, may be even more 20 years. Today Khun Ping cooked noodle soup, fry rice, Chicken and salad. I like Khun Ping's ice tea.
Talking about noodle soup.... In every noodle shops in Bangkok, they always rinse the noodle before they pour the real soup over the noodle may be to get soft and better taste. I have seen it and notice it after living in Bangkok almost 9 years!!!!
So when Khun Ping served us Thai noodle today, I was teaching Jun as a noodle expert saying to him, "Jun, look you have to do like this, rinse the noodle to get a more good flavor..bla bla bla" .... and then suddenly a voice, I should say high voice next to me from a American woman, she said, "You can't do that because someone can allergy what ever you put into your noodle bowl." (Note: We have only one real soup pot in Church so I was rinsing noodle with real soup because it is clean to do so.)
So here was my responded to her immediately and said, "Oh I know that! look at it I did not put any thing except noodle and lettuce. There is no chili, no fish sauce, no nothing." But still she was very quick to get back to me and said, "Well lettuce can allergy to someone too."
She said, "Lettuce can cause allergy too." Believe me it was bothering me a lot on what she was saying to me. In my whole life I have never heard lettuce cause allergy but today.. at the Church!!!
I have this one good attitude, if there things that I am not very very sure I won't get into discussion simply..... because I am not sure. Get home google myself busy with my lettuce news!!
Yes lettuce does cause SOMETHING!! To get an allergy from lettuce you have to be a real bad gene. Now, this is what I understand more about lettuce allergy as the woman was talking about.
3 to 7 percent of Children and adult can cause allergy from food. Even that percentage, you have to make sure it is... Allergy OR Intolerance. See the following......
"Allergy. The term "allergy" comes from two Greek words, alos (other) and argon (action). If you are allergic to something, you have a reaction other than what you would expect. You don't expect to get hives when you eat a red tomato. That kind of a reaction would be an allergy. An allergy may manifest itself in various target organs, meaning sites where allergy signs occur. These are usually one or more of four places: the skin, the intestines, the respiratory passages, and the brain, i.e., (behavior changes).
Intolerance. The term food intolerance means that a food upsets your intestines, yet does not bother any other target organ. Food intolerances are usually due to an enzyme deficiency, (such as lactase deficiency), which causes lactose intolerance. Or, the intestines may be oversensitive to certain foods, resulting in abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and bloating. Intolerance is usually a reaction to the protein content of a food, yet you could be intolerant to any part of the food, including sugar and/or additives."
For me after reading some articles, I would say...
Lettuce is, "Intolerance" not "Allergy."
Here are 2 questions people ask often!
1. Can lettuce cause kidney stone?
The answer is NO! (from my reading)
2. Can lettuce cause stomach cramps?
Yes... to some people. Means...make you fart because
of forming the gas!!!
Have a good lettuce eating day!!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Yearly Check up
I left Bangkok on 1st of July 2010, one week a head of my husband Robins and my son, Shan to Florida.
Our holiday is not completely holiday anymore after I am living with my new liver. Well ... not complaining at all actually I am so thankful to my God that I am still talking.
Arrived 3rd of July in Gainesville. On 5th did the lab work and on 7th of July, my liver team arranged me to CT scan. The result came back no cancer!!! Let me tell you how I feel for that.... I am once again walking in the air, feel so light, so happy and so good!
Then checked up with the woman doctor. I have some fibroid in my belly. Here I want to share some more news. This fibroid cause me anemic. Went to see doctor in Bangkok. He suggested that I should take out my uterus. Well, I talked to myself that I should seek the second opinion. See my US doctor and she told me NO to take out my uterus!! Did the biopsy of my uterus and came back no cancer. Now all back to normal. Taking iron pill once daily and now my red blood cell count is 12.4! I am feeling wonder woman.
It was very nice to see my GI doctor and the transplant team. My surgeon, Dr. Hemming is not in University of Florida any more. He moved to San Diego University. I miss seeing him. He is often in my prayer. He is a very good doctor!
I am suppose to do colonscopy. I told my GI can I do it next year? I hate this check up. Even I wouldn't know nothing. The work is done when I wake up but still thinking of colonscopy, I have goose pimple!!
Mammogram is going to be soon in here Bangkok! May be next week I will do it. May I finish with..............................
"Dear God,
Thank you for adding another year of happiness to me and my family. I strongly believe that my life, my living without you is impossible. I need you everyday in my life. I am the clay in thy hand and my Lord mold me as thy will.
My God, you never say that we are not going to die but you said clearly that, "Who ever abide in you, shall be safe" ! How? I do not know but I do know that I love you and have faith in you. You are my true holy God.
Thank you for everything.
In Christ's name I pray,
Our holiday is not completely holiday anymore after I am living with my new liver. Well ... not complaining at all actually I am so thankful to my God that I am still talking.
Arrived 3rd of July in Gainesville. On 5th did the lab work and on 7th of July, my liver team arranged me to CT scan. The result came back no cancer!!! Let me tell you how I feel for that.... I am once again walking in the air, feel so light, so happy and so good!
Then checked up with the woman doctor. I have some fibroid in my belly. Here I want to share some more news. This fibroid cause me anemic. Went to see doctor in Bangkok. He suggested that I should take out my uterus. Well, I talked to myself that I should seek the second opinion. See my US doctor and she told me NO to take out my uterus!! Did the biopsy of my uterus and came back no cancer. Now all back to normal. Taking iron pill once daily and now my red blood cell count is 12.4! I am feeling wonder woman.
It was very nice to see my GI doctor and the transplant team. My surgeon, Dr. Hemming is not in University of Florida any more. He moved to San Diego University. I miss seeing him. He is often in my prayer. He is a very good doctor!
I am suppose to do colonscopy. I told my GI can I do it next year? I hate this check up. Even I wouldn't know nothing. The work is done when I wake up but still thinking of colonscopy, I have goose pimple!!
Mammogram is going to be soon in here Bangkok! May be next week I will do it. May I finish with..............................
"Dear God,
Thank you for adding another year of happiness to me and my family. I strongly believe that my life, my living without you is impossible. I need you everyday in my life. I am the clay in thy hand and my Lord mold me as thy will.
My God, you never say that we are not going to die but you said clearly that, "Who ever abide in you, shall be safe" ! How? I do not know but I do know that I love you and have faith in you. You are my true holy God.
Thank you for everything.
In Christ's name I pray,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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