Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Christians and The Shrimps

Last week I had read very interesting article. The headlines was......, "The Christians are not suppose to eat Shrimps". My brain talked to me, "Here comes again one of those tra la la la la!" Extremist? Laws picker? or just want to be outstanding?? I have no idea.

I am a Christian and I eat every thing beside those kind of animal, likes... Elephant, Rat, Horses or Gator. I hope you think I am ok and I hope so. That's base on my choice of eating only.

Well lets see..... the Hindu do not eat beef and that's fine with me. The Muslim do not eat pork and I do understand why? The Atheist eat all (I said that because in China they eat everything), and that's wonderful if they like to eat any kind of animal. The Jew do not eat fish if there is no scales or fins. It's fine with me if they believe in that law.

Here some views on food by some people.....

"Christians have no dietary restrictions other than those imposed upon us by our doctors."

"Actually, it's Jews who are forbidden to eat shrimp. If I recall correctly, cattle must have a a cloven hoof and chew the cud (ruminants). Birds of prey are forbidden (and why anyone would want to eat them, I don't know), but most fowl are permitted. Sea creatures must have scales and fins; shellfish is forbidden. From what I understand, the laws of kashrut are similar to Muslim dietary laws, except Jews are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages."

As you know by now my family is living on the income of making shrimps. On top of that we are eating shrimps. For doing and eating shrimp, if my God said to me and my family are going to hell, hummm... I need to think about deeper on that point. But...I have no see or read in the bible that told me I will go to hell if I keep eating the shrimps!!! Well..might increase my cholesterol but hope not go to hell for eating shrimps.

OK lets think about health views on food. You can't eat shrimps every day so does eating pork, beef, lamb or others daily. Say you eat vegetable only in your life, it does not lead you healthy life either. You need protein!!

What is more important in any religions?? Food or God?

For me...., Christ told me and I read in New Testament, Jesus said what ever you do or eat without "Rejoice in the Lord" is nothing.

True followers of Christ are those who glory in Christ Jesus; those who brag about what Jesus did on the cross; those who brag about him rising from the dead. We glory in him and not by anything, examples, "eating shrimps or not", "eating pork or not", "eating beef or not" and "eating only vegetable or not" or you "not eating at all for 2 days".

God gives us "Ten Commandments" . It said every thing that what we should do with Rejoice in the name of God.

What we say grace before our meal?

I said, "Thank you Lord for the food." Amen.

It is simple but said it all!!!


Anonymous said...

I did enjoy your blog. To me shrimp is a delicasy.

Anonymous said...
