In 1996 when the plane landed in Singapore, I was so tired that I almost fell at sleep in my bath tub at the Peninsula Hotel... I was crying all the way from Guatemala to Rangoon Via Singapore. I got calls and said .. "Your sister is very ill and will be hers last few months."... We decided that I should see her now than after she die. My sister was know as Jue Jue, official name is Nora Layshan. She was only 30 years old when she passed a way.
At that time, I did not know very well why, how and what's went wrong with her as she looked so normal and beautiful, her skin was so milky. When I was with her, part of her days she looked like normal but part of her days she just slept off. I was told her liver went bad, no one told me that she suffered liver cancer in Rangoon. I just did not pay any attendtions or may be so hurt for loosing my only sister.
I decided to write it down about her because last night she was in my dream. I think doing that it will make me feel better. I miss her so bad but sometime I talk to myself that life move on. As always she won't talk to me a ward except gustures in dreams. She was a very simple, reserve and quiret girl but like to study.... Spent most of her time alot in the Lab. That's why she got her Master in Biology and I end up in simple BSc. (remember??? I do not like hard studying )!!
Jue Ju is very different from me. I am very talkative but she was a listener, I like friends but she had not so much friends, I can count her good friends!! I like going out but she likes to stay at home or in the Lab, I like dancing but she's not, I hate cooking but she cooks wonderfully. She married into a man whos from a very comfortable family in Rangoon. I do not know very well about her husband as I am always around the world and do not close with them. She left two children, a boy and a girl. Last news I heard was the girl is on the way to Australia for studying.
If Ican say a gain... I hate cancer! I really do. The cancer took my mother, and my sister lifes..and other lifes too in such an ugly way. What I mean by saying that is............. if my grand ma ma die now, surely I will be very little sad and will say "Thank you Lord for 90 years of my grand ma ma life with us" but it is very painful for taking so many young lifes. FRom my own experience, cancer taught me some positives though.. such as who is in controll in your life, how life is so value, how each day is count and miracle is there if you have faith!!
Say " I love you " to your family as much as you can!
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