Friday, May 7, 2010

Real Happy!!!!!

I just read the new about Chaz, the daughter of Bono and Cher. The new said......

"A year after undergoing a sex change, Chaz Bono is now legally a man" "Chaz couldn't be happier", said Kristina Wertz, legal director of for the Transgender Law Center.

My thinking: I am a bit confuse here. I live in Bangkok and yes we have such a travesties population. I am not doctor so I do not know much but this is what I am thinking! I do understand that man penis turn into woman part. Understandable right? but now how can you turn woman vagina in to a man part? and this is my question for today. Medical wonder??

I did not know that US has a Transgender Law Center!!! I have no idea we have that kind of Center in Bangkok or not.

New said, " This is an important steep in his transition and will allow him to change variety of his identity documents to show who he truly is"

My thinking: I want to point out this!!! The new said, "Who he truly is". I imagine that his ID card should be..Born as woman name:Chaz Bono, after 2010: Repair as a man. Name:????

Now age at 41 she is officially HE! and.... real happy.

I want to talk about when people said "I am real happy"!! OK Chaz Bono said just turned into man, she is real happy now right? Lets Do the deep thought here. Can someone be very real happy just turned his sex life? I doubt it though.

Let see on me, Helen. The day my wedding day, I thought that day was my real happy day but somehow I lost it because of many reasons. I am not talking about love here. Yes... I do love Robins but real happy all the way is not sure. We have many things to face and somepoint I even understand what "Happy" is?

Then I got this my beautiful son. I was real happy when the day he was born. I feel part of mine is now created and very good looking too. But sometime this my little creature want me to spank him good. I love my son to dead but real happy with him I am not sure at all.

To say more clearly......... when I got hit by live cancer and now I fought and free for almost 5 years. I was happy but won't last at all. My 2 step brothers make me worry.

I learn one thing in this life.. If I do not surrender all my life into Christ I will never know how to feel last longer happiness which to say.. "I Am Real Happy."

Learn to trust in God and lets God leads your life is to see the real happiness! Trust me on this. Even when I hit down to the bottom I pray to God for help and leave it in Christ's hands!

This is from my reading of last night devotional time. I wanted to share with you because it is very similar to my situation too.


"For many years I was able to tell people that God had blessed me with good health. Then in 2005 I was diagnosed with Cancer. For someone who has experienced only minor illnesses in life, Cancer was quite a shock.

All during my cancer treatment, many of my friends prayed for me. I experienced some anxious moments, but I was always a ware that those who loved me were praying for me and asking God to support me. I began to realize that I still had the greatest blessing of all God's unconditional love, shown through the support of loved ones and friends.

I am doing very well now and have won my battle with cancer. But if things had not gone well, or if the cancer returned in the future, I still have the blessing of God's love for me, no matter what.

Now I simply tell people that God has blessed me with love that is greater than any struggle I may face.

Glen Graham (Louisiana)"

If I do not trust my God's power, I will never know what the Real Happy is!!

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