Sunday, February 3, 2008


I just finished the movie, "The Departed"... I love the movie!!! One of my favourite. If I am one of the board menbers of the Oscar, I would say "the Oscar goes to Leonardo De Capio".....He is a real telented actor. Lately I was watching some very good movies. Thanks to Hollywood! For me... in entertainment, without Hollywood, what movies am I going to watch? There are some more good movies that I remember of...:"Blood Diamod", "Amrican Gangster", The Assassination of Jesse Jame", "Sweeney Todd", "Larry .."( whatever about that fake gay couple), and "Amazing Grace", "Wardance (documentary)" "The King of Scottland"... ect....Oh they are good!! My husband loves "Sicko" but I can't stand that man, Mr. Moor?? I think he is ugly.

Let me tell you how good the hollywood is ........some movies are so look real that they can make me and my family laugh, angry, cry and sometime teach me about life (which is better than SPME of my old Professors) . Yes... there are some bad movies too. Somehow I do not like some movies ..example... "shortcut to Hppiness, Because I said so, I think I love my wife, cast away, ta ta ta....." The worst is "Jackass"..(the store owner in Bangkok told me it is very funny moives, (he said "vely vely good you look ok!!), so I bought and watched at home. Let me tell you one of the nightmare for me!! ( I did watch some not all). People around the world some (OK remember here I said "some") do not like American but most of them love American Movies.

The closet Movies shooting I had been was In Belize. Me and my son was on the beach and Banjaman Brad was making the movie "after the Storm" That time he was with Julia Robert..... She is so beautiful. We went into his movie setting the movie, it was built for a very poor man!! I had met the Producer of "Rug Rat" cartoon movie. He came to my house in Bangkok and ate my Robins's Shrimps. He is a nice guy! OK ..Thank you Hollywood and weldone actors and actress.

I am a woman who is very proud to be an American. Do not miss understand me ofcourse I love my Shan State in Burma but ................................... Somehow I have a new life now. What Amercan give me is a good life (not talking about money). Let me tell you in America one came to my door and said "give me your Jeep car we need it of 3 months" but never came back, OR "Give me your land we need that for who and whos" later I saw some stranger living in my land OR "come and pick up your relative he/she just die of bird flu in Jail." without chickens around ect........ endless stories!!

I love you Hollywood and America!! Thanks agian!

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