Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am sad.

Lately I have heard who and who are divorcing. Who and who are separating. Who and who are fighting for the money because they do not love each other nor can't live together anymore. Sad isn't it?

Now the strange thing is..... the couples who I think going to divorce are still in attache and the nice, fun and LOOK loving couples are divorcing! Worst than natural disaster. Don't you think so?

After me myself marrying for 20 years, somehow I do understand that thing can be changed.

I have lots of questions myself too.

As you all know that Catholic do not recognize the "Divorce" but too bad, some Catholic couples are divorcing. I was raise as Baptise but now when you ask me who am I? I will say I am "Christian".

Who ever believe in God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit, they are my Christian fellows. Now.... do not misunderstood me. I have lots of friends who are not Christian but I do love them.

OK back to divorce. According to Matthew 19 in News Testament, yes you can divorce. This is what I understand about Divorce if I am wrong please correct me.

Here it is. OUR God did not say "Divorce". In fact God said, "When you become a couple..... husband, you own the wife body same as wife, you won your husband body. Leave your father and mother and become one flash together."

From my little read, divorce law is from Moses, is that right? Moses said, "Because of your hardness of your heart you can divorce." ( I am not so perfect about Bible but hope it is true that the way I understand).

In Matthew 19 said, " if one of you is committed adultery you can divorce!!"

Now I wanted to talk about is ADULTERY!

As you all know that ADULTERY means.... a married couple, one is having extra sex with extra people. I do not know what kind of wives can put up with their husbands who are having fun with the others.

Me, oh NO NO for me. I am not the Hillery Clinton. I am sorry I do not have that kind of sharing.

Now see this, some couples, the third party are not involved but still they are divorcing. I have learnt or see or feel that some facts which can cause the divorce. No joking folks some little things can be build up. Here they are....

1. If you slam about your husband/wife in the public often.

2. Husband or wife who did not look at your own mate as the years that you dating to her/him.

3. Lost your respect each other.

4. Husband/wife who think their partner can forgive every thing what they do. ie: husband who sleep with dirty underwear. Let your mate feel so sick to look at it.

5. Husband/wife who talk to other so sweet but to their own mate their faces turn into sour face or frown.

6. Husband/wife who makes their mate feel unwanted. Mean time drooling every where.

7. Husband/wife who let their mate feel so little. Put the mate down in public or without public.

8. Husband/wife who provoke their mate all the time.

9. Husband/wife who teach you "unconditional love" but do not exercise nor practice it.

10. Husband/wife who never realize that your mate need not only quality time but also quantity time too.

11. Husband/wife who put works infront of family, own child and own mate.

See above all of those facts can leads you to the Parting Road without third party!!

Parting is not good but for some one there is no choice????

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