Wednesday, May 5, 2010


TODAY I went to get foot massage. I might be very tired because I fell at sleep and when I wake up, my foot massage is already done!! Haven't play tennis for 3 weeks and started to play today. Under the heat of Bangkok, I think I become a rotten banana!! My Shan plays very well though.

Bangkok is nicer now. No more gun shot, no more road block, no more rally and no more RED!!! Well....not 100% yet. I should say...nearly there. Hope that not another detour!!

I am leaving to USA in end of June. Time for me to check up for my dear LIVER. I am living with my new liver for almost 5 years now. Time for me to check up all over my body again. Please put me in your prayers. I will say it again, for me I am living because of by the mercy of Christ! I say it and I mean it.

Most people say..."We live one life" but somehow for me I can say.. "I live two lives" which are before my cancer and after my cancer. My way of living, my perspective is totally different. Life is more beautiful after my cancer. I enjoy seeing my son, my Robins (sometime??), my grand mama, my love one. I am so thankful for still alive!

The following is from my TODAY devotional time! It said......

"This is my 94th year, and I spend a great deal of time reminiscing about the different stages of my life. I especially like to think about my happy childhood, I had loving parents who tried to teach Christian values and habits both by word and example. These values influenced my life through my teenage years and adulthood, and now they influence me in this stage of my life.

As I looked through a scrapbook of materials I've collected over the years, the following question gave me food for thought:
-When I die, will the world be a better place because I have lived or because I have died??

If I am to evaluate my life honestly, I also must ask other questions;
-Have I loved my neighbor as myself?
-Have I treated others as I want them to treat me?
-Have I done what Micah say God requires of me:"to do Justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with (my) God?

I know I have failed many times in many ways. But how thankful I am that God is merciful and forgiving and that I can say, "Lord, I am trying."

Billlies E. Kemp

Honestly to say, I am trying too Lord!

Just talked with a family who I dearly love them. What a difficult situation comes not one but many for them. Such a nice, good, humble, thoughtful family but why so many bad things hit them almost the same time. Why???

Them I remembered Jacob's life. We never know what God's plan is. Just trust!! We do our part of duty and I believe God will taking care of us.

"Dear God,

Please be with those who are in very sad time. God help us my Lord and help my friend's family.

In Christ,