Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Tiger, I am talking about an animal. Of course he will sex with any female tiger passing by because of the animal nature.

Tiger, Now I am talking about a human golfer last name with "Wood". Of course if he has sex with any woman passing by he is not a good human Tiger because many young looking at him, A Hero!!!

My way of thinking is, " if you want to screw, do not marry but if you are married, do not screw beside to your wive." I do not care no matter how much you are craving for SEX. There is no excuse unless you are sicko man who is mentally unbalance also proved by medical experts!! Tell me who do not like SEX???? We all do, but moral is biding to a proper married couple.

Last week CNN said 3 women claimed that they have or had affair with Tiger Wood and this week, up to 7 people. To be fair Tiger is not all to blame for. I said this because.....

1. I do not know that "The Media" playing a fair game to Tiger or not.
2. Always need tow hands to clap. To get a one enjoyment event or 2 times or 3 times, I do not think Tiger Wood needs to beg those women.
3. All these women who said they have a fair with Tiger, probably they even can't wait for.
4. Some of those women may be they just only sat and having a drink as they are working in the BAR?? Who's knows may be they wants to show off or looking for a 15 minutes famous??

I am not excusing for Tiger... Yes, he did a bad choice if all accuses are true! I think if Wood is addicted to SEX, he should divorce to his wife FIRST!! You can't have two ways. More over, if Tiger is unable to give up sexing to different woman, he must talk to his wife or talk to a doctor!! I would let him go if I was his wife, but leave his MONEY! Oh yes... he must!!

Lets talk about how Mrs. Wood feels. All women do suffered if their men cheating. Those who said I don't care is hard to believe for me. If Wood's mew is true and Mrs. Wood golfed off her husband at 2 am in the morning, I fully understand and even more I could say..I support her. You never know how you will react when you are hurting so bad. My question is, Does Tiger wood knows that his wife is as good as swinging that golf off even to him??

Last night I watched a funny movie call, "Madea goes to Jail". I like the movie. In the movie, the huge black lady, actually she is right in any situations but she react it in anger everything and ending up going to jail repeatedly. So she has to see the anger management counselor. She said.." Look... the creation is we have two cheeks to turn for people to slap us when people make you mad. After turned two times of your cheeks, there is no more cheek to turn for people to slap me!!" I laughed to dead.... and said, hummmmmmmmmm????

May be Mrs. Wood has no cheeks to turn on for Mr. Wood to slap!!

To Mr Wood: Change your view on SEX!
To Mrs Wood: Get his money and find someone who loves you the way you are. Don't even leave your 2 children to him as he is not fit for a good father beside MONEY!
To Helen: Shut your mouth cause none of your business??

Note: 1. I might be wrong as I am not train as a relationship expert!

2. Deep down I know money is not the point but help. We woman needs the money to feed our mouth and our children to survive.

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